28th Sep2021

Is Online Entertainment Taking the Place of a Classic Night Out?

by James Smith

The digital age has brought us relief in so many ways. Among many things, we have facilitated communication, conducting business, learning, and, of course, having fun. Online entertainment has soared in recent years, especially during the pandemic and its aftermath.

The truth is, we have turned to our devices for providing us with entertaining content even before the onset of COVID-19, and now we have grown even more accustomed to searching for fun online. Video streaming, social networks, gaming, VR, and AR are just some of our current favorites. Since we can partake in all these activities either on our own or with friends, there might be a chance that a traditional night out may remain in the shadow of online entertainment for quite some time. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the digital trends that have stolen our hearts.

Video streaming

The popularity of streaming platforms has literally exploded in the last year or so. The advancement of technology grows ever stronger, and our devices are becoming powerful enough to support almost any kind of online content we wish to indulge in, whether it is movies, music, TV programs, or educational videos. Even our mobile phones are now capable of supporting all the aforementioned. All you need is a strong internet connection, and the fun can begin. When it comes to streaming movies, shows, and documentaries, Netflix and Hulu have paved the way for Amazon Prime and Disney+, to name a few. We are truly spoiled for choice.

Video calling

Video calling, on the other hand, has served its purpose in keeping friends and family closer together during the lockdown. However, getting familiar with video calls has triggered so much creativity, and now we have online drinks, trivia nights, even dinner parties. Many have continued cooking together online, playing video and board games, watching movies, and even having bachelorette parties when circumstances prevent friends from being together.

Social media videos

The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is probably Tik Tok. It is the new leader in video-based social media, helping to get the message across. Its ease of use and simple editing process has made people eager to make videos as much as watch them. However, this is only the beginning. The more interest there is, the harder the developers work on new features to keep the platform at the top. And we can not finish this section without the mention of Instagram reels that are right up there in the hall of fame with Tik Tok. Posting video content along with music and text has never been easier.

Betting online

The vast world of online entertainment extends to the gambling industry as well. Brick and mortar casinos have got their online alternatives, and more and more aficionados of games of chance opt for placing bets online rather than walking to a nearby establishment. The appeal is obvious – the adrenaline rush, the ease of access, adequate safety measures, abundant payment options, and above all – literally thousands of games to choose from.

Here we should emphasize that responsible gambling is what makes this online experience truly fun and stress-free. The first step is to choose your online betting sites carefully. A little research, and you’ll find websites like Betting Spot that will give you peace of mind while choosing where to place your bets safely. Combined with a little self-control and moderation, this can be a perfect way to spend the evening.

Virtual Reality

VR devices translate the virtual world to life. You may think that virtual reality has been reserved only for gaming, but that is far from the truth. It has expanded to the educational sector, providing realistic videos of exotic as well as historical places and events. Even future surgeons can practice the procedures in VR before they take on their first patient on the operating table. Furthermore, you can now put on your VR gear and have a night out without ever leaving your sofa. Numerous shows and plays now have their virtual versions, so a great time is guaranteed even if you can’t make it to the real theatre.

Augmented reality

If you have ever seen what Pokemon Go looks like, you got the gist of augmented reality. Basically, it integrates virtual elements into the real-world environment, seamlessly merging the two. The popularity of Pokemon Go has brought AR closer to millions of people worldwide and has opened the door towards bigger and better advancements in the field. Now we have Spirit Camera, Harry Potter, Wizards Unite when it comes to games, and charming educational programs that can take you to distant lands at any point in history.

Final thoughts

There’s no denying that the online entertainment industry is experiencing a prominent upward trend. More and more people are turning to their devices for hours of fun and choosing to stay home rather than step out. However, we can’t bury painting the town red just yet. There are people outside virtual chatrooms that are dying to meet you, loud music to be played, and dancefloors to be filled. And nothing beats having a bite to eat with your best mates after an entire night of dancing.

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