16th Jan2017

ITV’s ‘World Of Sport Wrestling’ fails to pull in viewers

by Phil Wheat


ITV recent reboot of World Of Sport Wrestling, or WoS Wrestling for short, was a throw back to the classic wrestling programming of the 70s and early 80s, saw some of the UK’s top names in the sport compete in a fun-filled afternoon of family sports entertainment this past New Years Eve.

The first such TV show in 30 years, if featured the likes of Grado, Alexis Rose, Viper and Dave Mastiff; along with a guest appearance/cameo from Davey Boy Smith Jr., son of the legendary British Bulldog and commentary from former WWE commentator, and font of all wrestling knowledge, Jim Ross.

There was hope that this one-off special would lead to the return of World of Sport Wrestling as a weekly series on ITV, though now – given the ratings – that looks unlikely. Whilst 1.25 million viewers would seem like good enough numbers for a wrestling show on UK television, it seems the channel was hoping for a bigger impact and, sadly, we might not see any more wrestling on terrestrial TV…

But hey, at least it scared Vince McMahon enough to create the just-aired WWE UK Championship Tournament right?


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