21st Oct2019

Opinionated: What Are The Best Horror Movies to Watch Around Halloween?

by Chris Cummings

We’re fast approaching the season of good chills. The time of year where pumpkins are lit on porches around the world, where your local Starbucks is selling out of Pumpkin Spice, where bags of candy are being stocked up on by households awaiting trick or treaters, and… of course, where horror movies are given that […]

18th Oct2019

Which is Better? #4 – Creepshow vs. Trick ‘r Treat

by Chris Cummings

Which is Better is a new column here on Nerdly where we’ll pick two related movies and discuss each of them, and then conclude which we think is the best one. It might be about sequels in comparison to the first film, or the original film and its eventual remake, we might even do it […]

08th Dec2015

Nerd Buy: Fright Rags’ faux ugly sweaters!

by Phil Wheat

Tis the season to be wearing an ugly sweater. If you want to be the hit of your holiday party, pick up one of Fright-Rags‘ new “faux ugly sweater” crewneck sweatshirts. Artist Joe Guy Allard applies the tacky-yet-lovable knit design style of classic Christmas sweaters to four horror favorites: Jaws, Trick ‘r Treat, Halloween II and […]

01st Oct2013

31 Days of Horror – Top 5 Halloween Movie Picks!

by Phil Wheat

Hi everyone! To kick off Nerdly’s 31 Days of Horror I thought I’d put together a list of my Top 5 flicks to watch on Halloween. Obviously being a huge horror fan my dilemma is that there are so many good horror movies that I sit down to watch at this time of year – how […]