06th May2022

Unboxing: ‘Swamp Thing’ Comic Book Mystery Box

by Phil Wheat

Phil’s back with another unboxing, this time of a Swamp Thing comic book mystery box from the folks at http://www.comic-box.co.uk Each Comic Box mystery box contains a mix of 10 comics from a wide range of subjects, including DC, Marvel and Indie comics, plus all the comics are checked for quality, with NO duplications… and […]

11th Feb2022

Toy Unboxing: DC Multiverse – Lobo & Swamp Thing

by Phil Wheat

We’re back with another toy unboxing here on Nerdly, this time it’s Lobo and the Swamp Thing Megafig from McFarlane Toys’ DC Multiverse line. Check out the video below! LOBO: The last survivor of the planet Czarnia, Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter that plays by his own rules to get the job done. Though […]

04th Feb2021

eBuying Comics: Week 51

by Ian Wells

Comics may be more accessible than ever right now (as I state everyweek) with TPB’s being the biggest seller. As well as your LCS you can walk into places like Waterstones and HMV and be greeted with a healthy selection of the latest paperback collections. This change in the market has no doubt brought a […]

16th Dec2020

A Memoriam In Four Colours: Richard Corben

by Ian Wells

At the end of last week  we received the news that another highly influential artist pulled up a seat at the great drawing desk in the sky. On the 2nd December Richard Corben passed away at the age of  80. Another talent gone too soon. I had to take a bit of time to put […]

13th Jun2019

The History of Bad Ideas – Episode 284: Unlimited Lettuce!

by Phil Wheat

Emanating from their studio in Cincinnati, Ohio, The History of Bad Ideas sees hosts Jason, Jeff and Blake talk about all things geeky on their podcast. Whether it’s rumours of the latest comic book movies, debating who really is the worst villain of all time, discussing the latest comic issues or just wondering about life […]

13th Feb2018

‘Swamp Thing Winter Special’ Review (DC Comics)

by Dan Clark

Written by Tom King, Len Wein | Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Kelley Jones, Jason Fabok | Published by DC Comics Well, that will take some time to get over. Swamp Thing Winter Special is comic storytelling at its best. One that celebrates a comic legend and the work he has gifted the world. Even […]

06th Jun2017

Catching Up With the Classics: Saga of The Swamp Thing – Book One

by Dan Clark

Written by Alan Moore | Art by Stephen Bissette, John Totleben | Published by Vertigo Synopsis: Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U.S. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horror comic book THE SWAMP THING. His deconstruction of the classic monster stretched the creative boundaries of the medium and became […]
