22nd Jul2019

Fantasia 2019: ‘Stare’ Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Marie Iitoyo, Yu Inaba, Shota Sometani | Written and Directed by Hirotaka Adachi The first film I watched from this year’s Fantasia Festival was a J-Horror sequel in the form of Sadako. My latest viewing is a movie that is heavily influenced by the best crop of J-horror in the late nineties and early […]

30th Sep2014

‘Lesson of Evil’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Stars: Takayuki Yamada, Howard Harris, Fumi Nikaidô, Shôta Sometani, Hideaki Itô, Ruth Sundell, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Rio Kanno, Yukito Nishii, Ken’ichi Takitô, Daniel Genalo, Noriko Nakagoshi, Erina Mizuno, Fujiko Kojima, Kento Hayashi | Written and Directed by Takashi Miike I learnt from watching Audition that you never take Takashi Miike movies at face value, he won’t let […]
