12th May2022

‘Captors (aka Alone)’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Yulia Klass, Bruce Davison Josh Kelly, Michelle Burke, Michael Pare, Mark Rolston | Written by Philip Daay | Directed by James Cullen Bressack Ever since the first time I saw his film My Pure Joy I’ve always been interested to see director (and now producer) James Cullen Bressack’s “next” film. I’ve seen pretty much […]

14th Jul2021

‘Alone’ Blu-ray Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Jules Willcox, Marc Menchaca, Anthony Heald, Jonathan Rosenthal | Written by Mattias Olsson | Directed by John Hyams An English-language adaptation of Swedish thriller Gone, with a screenplay by from that films director Mattias Olsson, Alone is most-noticeable (well, at least for genre fans) as being helmed by John Hyams. The son of director […]

30th Dec2020

‘Alone’ VOD Review

by Kevin Haldon

Stars: Jules Willcox, Marc Menchaca, Anthony Heald, Jonathan Rosenthal | Written by Mattias Olsson | Directed by John Hyams It’s been some time since I saw a thriller like Alone – one that was actually as thrilling as it promised. Alone delivers on every single level. It is tense, oh my god, it’s tense. It […]

28th Aug2020

Fantasia 2020: ‘Alone’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Jules Willcox, Marc Menchaca, Anthony Heald, Jonathan Rosenthal | Written by Mattias Olsson | Directed by John Hyams An English-language adaptation of Swedish thriller Gone, with a screenplay by from that films director Mattias Olsson, Alone is most-noticeable (well, at least for genre fans) as being helmed by John Hyams. The son of director […]

15th Sep2017

Frightfest 2017: Podcast Round-Up Pt.2

by Stuart Wright

In his latest podcast, host Stuart Wright welcomes Arrow Video Podcast co-host Sam Ashurst, fresh from introducing The Villainess, to round up highlights from Horror Channel Frightfest 2017. Part 2 of 2 of their waffly versatile chit chat turns its attention to: Meatball Machine Kodoku, Mountain Fever, Freehold, Double Date, Leatherface, Ruin Me, Radius, Our […]

27th Aug2017

Frightfest 2017: ‘Alone’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Sofia Lesaffre, Stéphane Bak, Jean-Stan Du Pac, Paul Scarfoglio, Kim Lockhart | Written by David Moreau, Guillaume Moulin | Directed by David Moreau David Moreau, co-director of ILS/THEM, turns artist Bruno Gazzotti’s best-selling French/Belgian comic book Seuls into a sci-fi thriller of gaelic proportions… Sounds like a match-made in [French] heaven right? Well a […]
