22nd Jan2025

‘TNA: Genesis 2025’ PPV Review #2

by Kevin Haldon

TNA Genesis is upon us and we have an action-packed card ahead of us. Of course, with the recent announcement of the TNA WWE NXT partnership, it was going to be interesting to see if this took effect immediately and how this would look. Hendry takes on Nemeth for the world title and could this be his last attempt. Grace looks to settle the score with a monster Tessa Blanchard. Masha Slamovich is defending against Rosemary, the youngest in charge Leon Slater facing up to Kaz and Moose giving Ace Austin a shot at the X-Division title and way way more.

The impact (pun intended) was felt right off the bat on the countdown show with Miss NXT Ariana Grace showing up to hint at a host of NXT faces popping up at Genesis ( let’s hope not too many) before Ashante Adonis interrupts to cut a promo in the ring and issues an open challenge that is accepted instantly by Jake Something and we are off to the races.


NXTs Ashante Adonis vs Jake Something

I’m not going to do a play-by-play on all the matches but it was great to see Jake Something open up the countdown and even better he looked great picking up the pinfall. It was a quick match that looked to tease the new partnership and gave both competitors some screen time to shine while getting juices flowing.

It was a middle-of-the-road match with a solid 2 out of 5.

I really wasn’t aware how much I needed this Rascalz vs Hardyz title match coming later.


Frankie Kazarian vs Leon Slater

I still can’t believe how awesome it is to see Slater in TNA when it wasn’t that long ago he was flying around the ring in the UK indies. Kaz heeling it up like the legend he is just makes me smile but it is very clear to everyone Slater is gonna be a star with time and nurturing. Kaz is doing a tonne here in an effort to help put Slater over in the match (not that he needs much help to shine) but it’s so great to see from a vet like Kazarian while still getting his offence in and that Slingshot cutter from the outside was gorgeous. Unbelievable how hyped the crowd were for Slater too with the “Holy Shit” chants leading to the Swanton 450 which is a thing of absolute beauty, this time Slater falls foul as Kaz gets the knees up and rolls Slater for the 3 count.

Both men looked great, the right result to be fair and Slater looked a million bucks against a legend so I would drop a 3.5 out of 5 on this one

A Joe Hendry/Nic Nemeth promo to close out the Countdown and while I have to say he makes me believe I’m loving Nemeth right now and he can’t be overlooked. Also, a quick mention for the crowd… that place is absolutely packed.

It’s the main show I can barely control my excitement. TNA has been on another level since the rebrand and I hope to Christ it continues with Genesis and beyond.


Moose vs Ace Austin for the X-Division Title

Kicking off with the X-Division (as it should be) Now I love ABC as a tag team but I’ve been dying for Austin to move back into singles and here with have it so I couldn’t be more excited for this X-Division match.

This new X-Division belt is bloody sexy by the way but I still want the replica for the other one.

Austin fires off straight away and I’m bloody here for it. Fuck it’s good to see Austin cutting the ring up solo. You can already tell these two are looking to set the tone of the night with some brutal exchanges on the outside going through barricade after barricade. TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA. The System will always run interference, this is a given but that CHOKESLAM onto the Apron outside was brutal from Moose. Austin just beating the 10 count to get back in the ring for more punishment. Austin absolutely deserves to be in charge of this division and I have no doubt he will be “it’s inevitable”. this match-up proves this point as both men looked superb but The System proved to be too much once again as Moose hits a spear to Austin’s back and gets the pin.

Post match Austin is circled and out comes Maclin and EY for the save which I loved as they battle on the outside. Maclin and Edwards up in the ring and this match is starting now it would seem.


Maclin and Eric Young vs The System (Myers and Edwards) with Alesha Edwards.

Unreal how this match just rolled straight from the first bout, rare to see this happen but after making the save it makes so much sense. Instantly this match is coming off as a bit of a barn burner with both teams looking to tag and bag their opponents. Obviously The System gaining an upper hand as they target my boy Steve Maclin. Tag is made and Eric Young runs roughshod on Myers and Edwards. This is 4 men who just know how to work in the ring and make it effortless.

This is a pretty new tag team but honestly, Maclin and EY work so well together. Swapping big move after big move until Maclin is able to put Myers away and finish off the system even after a slap to the chops from Alesha.

Ace Austin vs Moose picks up a 4 out 5, as does Maclin/EY vs The System. Both are solid matches and loved how they rolled into each other, this subtle nuance changes the complexion of matches, well done TNA.


Ash and Heather by Elegance vs Spitfire (Dani Luna/Jodi Threat)

I mean Ash and Heather looking to win over the home crowd with the Dallas Cowboys-inspired outfits and honestly, they won me over.

Saying that though I am a BIG Dani Luna fan so my allegiance is on Spitfire tonight. Spitfire pretty much taking full control early on before Elegance start playing dirty and getting themselves back in the mix. I’ve loved Ash by Elegance since coming to TNA from across the street and she consistently proves how wasted she once was so to see her throwing down in the women’s tag division is just exciting. However, since becoming champs Spitfire have done nothing but show us how great they are together and while I really wanna see Luna in a singles run with the belt, I love this tag team…

Trending Number 7 on Twitter when was the last time this happened for TNA? Dani Luna with a German Suplex on her opponent from the outside to the inside WTF was that? Spitfire picks up the pin AND STILL…

I’m biased with Dani Luna in the mix but that’s a 4 out of 5 in my books.


Jordynne Grace vs Tessa Blanchard

It’s Jordynne Grace next as she looks to get back on Tessa Blanchard who has been sneak attacking Grace for weeks. First up, it’s amazing to have Blanchard back in TNA and I’m hoping this is a new era for her with us. Rumours are and have been that this is the swansong for the juggernaut and if this is true which honestly I think it is, then Let’s be honest this is a great way to go out no matter the result.

The bell rings and the action is instant with Grace brutally attacking Blanchard showing Blanchard who is in charge. The crowd is crazy for this bout and understandably so as both women are taking it in turns to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other. I’m conflicted here as I struggle to root for either woman and find myself just having to enjoy the back and forth.

Double knees from Blanchard off the middle rope was brutal but the grace slam off the top rope was sensational. Face to face in the middle of the ring, this is truly a battle of two women looking to run TNA’s women’s division. I love that we have no title here, this match didn’t need it at all.

I don’t care what anyone says, TNA has the best women’s roster of any promotion out there, no contest. Grace has had classic after classic for this company but this is already becoming one of my top contests with her in the ring, both women are putting everything into this. Blanchard looking to expose a turnbuckle before hitting a buzz saw onto the buckle with Grace looking out cold. Blanchard hits a hellacious Magnum from the top rope and that’s all she wrote as she collects the 3 count and looks monstrous in the middle of the ring and I friggin love it.

I have to drop a perfect 5 out of 5 on this match. it was insanely good with some great spots but that top rope magnum was delicious. Tessa Blanchard, it’s great to have you back.


I Quit Match – Mike Santana vs Josh Alexander (Northern Armory banned from ringside)

Again the rumours are that Alexander may be on his way out and my hope is that this is bullshit but hey you just never know. On the other side, Santana’s big comeback has been some of his best work to date.

Technical technical technical is the open stages of this match-up from Alexander while Santana is looking for the opening to turn this to a brawl. Chants of we want tables ring out and Santana looks happy to oblige. TNA TNA TNA TNA.

I’m a big fan of heel Josh Alexander if I’m honest but I find it hard to not cheer for him at the same time. Especially when he pulls out the amigos and gives us an Eddie shuffle in the middle of the ring. I’ve never been the biggest fan of the I Quit stipulation but here we have a pair of wrestlers that I love to see wrestle.

How in the hell can you volunteer to land a MOONSAULT on your face with nobody home, Alexander is damn committed. It took a minute but someone finally went through the table and it was Santana but he “don’t quit”. Alexander brings out another table. But first he goes to work with a chair to Santana’s leg but there ain’t no quit on Santana’s blood. Alexander gets a little taste of his own medicine with the cable ties on his hands behind his back.

Santana with a cannonball through a table In The corner to Alexander that I have no doubt would have killed me, but he won’t quit. Old school call out to LAX with the slapjack (sock full of cueballs) Alexander finally says I quit as Santana prepares to make Alexander “bite the curb” American History X style into the steel steps.

Post-match Santana grabs the mic and demands a handshake which is given before Josh takes the mic and quits TNA… what does this mean? Apparently, this will be addressed on Thursday so if you don’t have TNA+… GET IT!

This one gets a 4.5 out of 5


Hardyz vs The Rascalz for the TNA tag titles.

Tell the truth folks. When that Hardy Boys theme hits, it makes you want to touch yourself right? No? Just me then? Okay!! DELETE DELETE DELETE.

The lights go down and out come NXT tag champs Fraxiom with some seats to just chill and watch the action.

The bell rings and it can’t be understated how huge a moment this is for Rascalz and the respect on show is so great to see as they exchange taunts, big moves, team moments and crowd chants. This match might be the most truly pure and joyous match of the night. It’s fairly clear to see that the youngsters here can move much quicker than the legend pair but everyone is working well enough to cover up any clear flaws. Miguel and Wentz take the opportunity to “accidentally” attack Fraxiom who are then ejected from the Impact zone giving Matt and Jeff a moment to regroup.

Jeff hits the twist of fate to Miguel followed by Matt hitting the twist of fate to Miguel followed by the swanton from Jeff to Miguel and Matt hits the 3 count. Great finish and well-deserved retention. I would have loved to see a swanton from Miguel but I was happy with this result.

I’d slap a 4 out of 5 on this matchup, some clear flaws but that’s always gonna be as time is always the winner but all four men went for it.

It was later announced Rascalz would face Fraxiom on Thursday. Get the App!!!


Clockwork Orange House of Fun Women’s Title Match – Masha Slamovich vs Rosemary

I don’t think you can talk about TNA without talking about Decay and Rosemary so it’s awesome after 7 years to see her getting another shot at the title and doing it in a match made famous by Raven of all people. Bin lids, baking trays, barbed wire tables and friggin Staple guns. Slamovich gets started quickly and looks to inflict maximum pain. Rosemary with the green mist turns the tables on her opponent followed by a cracking face plant to a chair. The crowd wants the tables and Rosemary decides to taunt on the apron before Slamovich dives through the ropes plowing Rosemary to the table on the outside.

Both women are seemingly happy to go through hell for this match and it’s showing.

Rosemary goes under the ring and finds Janice the old favourite weapon of Decays Abyss, a plank of wood full of nails. Some really awesome callbacks tonight. Awww, not thumb tacks please! Back in the ring and Rosemary is preparing the barbed wire boards but it’s Slamovich who reverses and slams Rosemary into it.

Time for a ladder? Slamovich ascends but Rosemary is up to push her off out of the ring and through the tables on the outside… amazing. Slamovich goes up top to slam Rosemary through a bunch of chairs for the three count.

Post-match NXT’s Cora Jade makes her way to the ring and it looks like she wants some Slamovich. Decent match-up, not a gimmick I love probably put a 3.5 out of 5

Santino Marella is on the ramp for some opinions from Gia and the gang… I think this is just to waste some time for clean up. I bloody love Marella though!!!

Main Event:

Nic Nemeth vs Joe Hendry.

Nemeth has been on a great run but surely it’s Hendry’s time. Listen to that crowd as Hendry’s theme hits, it’s an absolute banger and everyone knows it.

Okay, I have to point out the guy at the bottom of the ramp whose sign game has been on point all night WE BELIEVE WE BELIEVE WE BELIEVE.

The announcement came in and the Curtis Caldwell Centre is sold out, I need to get numbers on this because the place looks rammed. I remember watching Hendry back in the ICW days and loving the whole character but since coming to TNA he has reeked of superstardom and both these men seem to know that this is a moment in TNA history.

Kicking off with reversals and exchanges as they feel each other out but it’s surprisingly Hendry that takes the upper hand first seemingly having read the Nemeth playbook. But the veteran in Nemeth keeps shining through with counter after counter. Looking for submissions, near 3 counts. But keeps falling just short. Nemeth seems to be enjoying himself and rightly so with it taking a minute for Hendry to really rally himself to mount a proper offence but after exchanging chops Hendry hits a wicked clothesline and he is back in the room as the crowd chants WE BELIEVE WE BELIVE.

More reversals and Hendry hits a pop-up POWERBOMB for a near 3. The smile is gone from Hendry as he looks more serious than ever trying to pick his opponent apart. Nemeth up top hits a crossbody caught by Hendry and rolls back into an attempted AA that Nemeth reverses to a fame asser (fucking impressive). Middle rope fall away slam to Nemeth and here comes Kaz to call his shot, out comes JBL and lays out Kaz, then puts Ryan Nemeth to sleep with one punch and leaves

THIS IS AWESOME THIS IS AWESOME. Chaos has distracted and Hendry hits a standing O but Nemeth kicks out on 2, the crowd wants one more but it’s reversed to a SUPERKICK followed by a danger zone and Hendry kicks out on 2. Nemeth is turning up the band but he’s caught for a fall away slam, and a standing O it’s 1 it’s 2 annnnnd neeeeeeeeew TNA champion JOE HENDRY…

That’s a 5 out of 5 people that match had everything and I Ioved that the distractions and shenanigans stayed on the outside of the ring. Superbly built match great story and WE BELIEVED on JOE HENDRY.

Thank you TNA we persevered and got the champ I think we all deserved, a positive champion, a fighting champion and a bloody good musician.


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