‘TNA Wrestling’ Review (Apr 26th 2024)
Welcome to this week’s review of TNA Wrestling, we’re dealing with the fallout of the Rebellion pay-per-view this week, so let’s get straight into the review and see what went down…
Match #1: Mike Santana def. Myron Reed
The following is courtesy of allelitewrestling.com:
The match began with Wentz causing a distraction, allowing Myron Reed to gain the upper hand on Santana. Santana quickly turned the tables, delivering multiple running clotheslines to Reed. Reed showcased his speed with a kip-up and a back kick, followed up with a Lung Blower. As Reed attempted his signature flying cutter, Santana countered with a “Rolling Buck 50,” then eliminated the rest of the Rascalz with a spectacular dive. Santana then clinched the victory with a powerful roaring clothesline.
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #2: Josh Alexander def. Frankie Kazarian
The following is courtesy of allelitewrestling.com:
Kaz threw his jacket into Alexander’s face and rushed him, choking him with his shirt. Josh fired back, catching Kazarian with a dropkick from the second rope. Kazarian ducked Josh Alexander’s running crossbody, turning the momentum around. He caught Josh with a leg drop and landed a Russian Leg Sweep. Josh started to retaliate with chops, but Kazarian laid him out with a huge clothesline. Kazarian slowed the pace, but Alexander picked it back up with a punch to the face, more chops, and a massive back body drop. Josh attempted the C4 Spike, but Kazarian countered with a backstabber and tried for a chicken wing. Alexander quickly countered into an ankle lock. Kaz escaped and landed a DDT on Alexander. Another C4 Spike attempt was blocked by Kazarian, who then went for his signature leg drop but found himself caught in another ankle lock. He evaded but was met with multiple German suplexes from Alexander. Kaz landed a slingshot cutter and exited the ring to taunt the crowd, grabbing a steel chain and a chair, which the referee confiscated. Eric Young ran out and grabbed the chain. Kaz gets momentarily distracted by the referee but then gets caught in an ankle lock by “The Walking Weapon,” Josh Alexander.
My Score: 3 out of 5
Match #3: Xia Brookside def. Ash By Elegance
The following is courtesy of allelitewrestling.com:
The match kicked off with Ash trash-talking, but Xia quickly gained momentum with a headscissors and a series of stomps. Ash halted Brookside’s momentum with an elbow drop and a cartwheel back elbow on the stage. Brookside rallied the iMPACT Zone crowd behind her, connecting with a chin breaker, a drop toe hold, and double knees to Ash’s back. Ash managed to fight back with a kick to the face. As The Personal Concierge handed Ash a jeweled set of brass knuckles, Xia caught her off guard with a roll-up, getting the victory.
My Score: 2 out of 5
Match #4: Sami Callihan def. The Good Hands
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Hotch attempted to ambush Sami Callihan but ended up getting sucker-punched and powerbombed. Adding insult to injury, Sami used a picture of PCO to give Hotch paper cuts. Skylar shifted the momentum by spearing Sami. Remaining aggressive, Skylar kept the pressure on Sami. However, Sami turned the tables when he intercepted Hotch with a punch as Hotch dove towards him, then finished the match with a Cactus Driver ’97 for the victory!
My Score: 2 out of 5
Match #5: Eddie Edwards def. Nic Nemeth
The following is courtesy of allelitewrestling.com:
Ryan Nemeth is front row to support his brother Nic. Eddie and Nemeth began their match with a series of wrestling holds, but as frustration started to seep through for both individuals, it led to a huge shoulder tackle from Nemeth. Lish grabbed Nic’s foot, causing a distraction that allowed Eddie to clobber Nemeth. Eddie went for a back body drop, but Nemeth fired back, dropping Edwards with a dropkick. Myers distracted Nemeth just enough for Eddie to send him crashing to the floor. Nemeth fired back with multiple elbow drops to the heart of Eddie Edwards, and Nemeth spiked Eddie with a DDT, but Eddie kicked out. Edwards rolled out of the ring, climbed the top rope, and connected with a Superplex, and right into a Tiger Driver, but “The Wanted Man” kicked out. Nemeth caught a superkick and landed an Olympic slam, but Eddie kicked out. The two started going punch for punch, forearm for forearm. Nemeth went for the Danger Zone, Eddie went for the Boston Knee Party. Both men were down! Myers and Ryan Nemeth were arguing outside the ring. Moose interferes and blindsides Nemeth with the TNA World title, Eddie Edwards takes Nemeth down with the Boston Knee Party for the victory.
My Score: 3 out of 5
Final Verdict: 2.5/5
A good show this week but not a great one. Each and every week it feels like TNA is headed closer and closer to a “sports entertainment” style presentation – which is not something I like writing. TNA was its own thing and I get they want to be considered among the big boys but, and this is just my opinion, it feels like they’re sacrificing some of the fantastic wrestling action in the hopes of doing that. for example this week we only got 5 matches in a two-hour show, which is very much a WWE/AEW thing. TNA, I think, USED to cram in 6 or more matches into their two-hour show. Now we get promos opening the show, in the middle of the show and then closing the show. Where’s the wrestling?