01st Jul2022

‘Impact Wrestling’ Review (June 30th 2022)

by Phil Wheat

Welcome to this week’s review of Impact Wrestling, which this week opens with a Before the Impact match that saw Digital Media Champion Rich Swann defeat Raj Singh. And we got a build towards Impact’s next PPV/premium event, Against All Odds. Let’s get into the review…

Match #1: Trey Miguel def. Chris Bey, Steve Maclin & Laredo Kid

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Who will earn an X-Division Title opportunity against “Speedball” Mike Bailey tomorrow night at Against All Odds? We find out now in this four-way opening contest! Maclin attempts Mayhem For All but Miguel breaks it up with a missile dropkick from the top. Maclin turns the tide and has Miguel Caught in the Crosshairs. Reigning champ Mike Bailey is seen watching the match on a monitor backstage. Miguel takes Maclin off the apron all the way to the floor with a running Hurricanrana. Bey takes out everyone with a springboard Moonsault to the outside. Kid counters The Art of Finesse into a rollup for two. Bey comes back with a pop-up cutter but Miguel breaks the count. Miguel hits the Meteora on Bey to score the victory!

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #2: Gisele Shaw def. Rosemary

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Gisele Shaw looks to take out Rosemary tonight and if she does, she may become Madison Rayne’s replacement in the The Influence’s Knockouts World Tag Team Title rematch after Rayne was injured at Slammiversary! Speaking of The Influence, Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood join Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary. Rosemary takes a bite out of Shaw in the opening moments of the match. Rosemary has her reeling after driving her repeatedly into the corner turnbuckle. Shaw hangs her up on the top rope, then hits a running clothesline to gain control. Rosemary avoids a knee strike, then connects with an Exploder suplex out of the corner. Shaw almost puts her away with a springboard cutter. Dashwood sends Valkyrie head-first into the steel ring post. The distraction allows Shaw to capitalize with a running knee to win!

My Score: 2 out of 5

Match #3: Jordynne Grace def. Savannah Evans

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Before Jordynne Grace defends the Knockouts World Title against former champ Tasha Steelz at Against All Odds, she must first get by the powerful Savannah Evans! Grace puts her own power on display as she takes Evans off her feet with a running shoulder tackle. Steelz tries to get involved at ringside, allowing Evans to capitalize with a chokeslam on the apron. Evans remains in control by driving her back-first into the steel ring post. Grace fights off a Full Nelson, then begins to build momentum with a series of strikes. Grace hits an impressive Muscle Buster to score the victory!

My Score: 3 out of 5

Match #4: IMPACT World Tag Team Championship – The Good Brothers def. Honor No More

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We get a preview of what’s to come in the five-on-five showdown at Against All Odds as The Good Brothers’ IMPACT World Tag Team Titles are up for grabs! Vincent hangs up Anderson on the top rope, allowing PCO to gain control with a big clothesline. Vincent remains in the driver’s seat with a Flatliner. PCO soars off the top with a Deanimator to Anderson. Moments later, Anderson is able to create separation with a Spinebuster to Vincent. Anderson makes the tag to Gallows who goes on the attack. PCO stops a Magic Killer attempt on Vincent. Anderson avoids Red Rum, then rolls up Vincent to retain the titles!

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #5: Ace Austin def. Alex Zayne

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Bullet Club’s newest member Ace Austin goes one-on-one with his former friend, Alex Zayne! Austin is reeling after Zayne picks him off the top rope with a pair of head scissors. Austin sends Zayne head-first into the steel ring post in order to gain the advantage. Zayne begins to build with momentum with a flipping leg drop to the back of the neck. Zayne hits the Baja Blast but Austin avoids the follow-up Cinnamon Twist. Austin hits his signature springboard kick but Zayne counters the fold into a pop-up knee strike. Zayne takes out both Austin and Bey at ringside with a springboard backflip. Bey grabs Zayne’s leg, allowing Austin to capitalize with The Fold to win!

My Score: 3.5 out of 5

Match #6: Chris Sabin def. Frankie Kazarian

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

With their victory over Honor No More in the rearview mirror, Frankie Kazarian and Chris Sabin can resume the Battle of the Futures in tonight’s highly-anticipated main event! Brian Hebner is the referee as he officiates his final match before retiring. Sabin targets the left knee of Kazarian in the early going. Sabin locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock but Kazarian quickly grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. Sabin hits a springboard leg drop, followed by a strong clothesline to turn the tide. Kazarian sends him into the steel ring post with the Wave of the Future. Sabin dives through the ropes, colliding with Kazarian on the outside. Sabin follows up with a top rope crossbody for two. Kazarian hits another springboard leg drop but it’s not enough to keep Sabin down. Kazarian spikes him with the slingshot DDT for another near fall. Sabin hits a mid-air superkick, followed by a tornado DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Kazarian catches him with the cutter. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock for yet another near fall. After exchanging in a flurry of offense, Sabin hits the Clothesline from Hell, Michigan, followed by the Cradle Shock to win!

My Score: 4 out of 5

Final Verdict: 3/5

This was a strange episode. A bunch of average matches, a couple of good matches then THAT main event. It felt like, in terms of the average matches, that Impact is treading water until Against All Odds. But then they throw in great women’s match from Jordynn Grace and Savannah Evans; a cracking match between Ace Austin and Alex Zayne and a superb main event between Sabin and Kazarian… It’s a weird dichotomy it really is. Which made for a show that didn’t feel cohesive and didn’t really, overall, get above average.


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