‘Impact Wrestling: Slammiversary 2022’ PPV Review
Welcome to this review of Impact Wrestling’s biggest event of the year, Slammiversary… which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary as the event returns home to the Nashville Fairgrounds in Nashville, TN. As always for pay per views, SPOILERS lie ahead!
Countdown to Slammiversary:
Match #1: Digital Media Championship – Rich Swann def. Brian Myers
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Myers hits a back suplex on the apron to gain the early advantage. Myers wears down Swann with a chin lock. Swann catches him in mid-air with a rolling clothesline to begin building momentum. Swann hits a series of kicks for two. Myers comes back with a spear for a near fall of his own. Myers spikes him with a DDT but it’s not enough to keep Swann down. Swann connects with the 450 Splash to retain the Digital Media Championship and reclaim physical possession of his title!
My Score: 2.5 out of 5
Match #2: Reverse Battle Royal – Shark Boy def. Johnny Swinger, Zicky Dice, Chris Bey, David Young, Shera, Raj Singh, Bhupinder Gujjar, Crazzy Steve, Shogun, Aiden Prince, Nate Webb, Mike Jackson, Steve Maclin, Chase Stevens & Slash
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Competitors surround the ring as they try to fight their way inside. Chris Bey, Bhupinder Gujjar, Shera, Chase Stevens, Steve Maclin, Johnny Swinger, David Young and Shark Boy are the first eight to do so and will now compete in a traditional battle royal. Bey hits Maclin with the Art of Finesse, eliminating them both from the match. The final two competitors are Shark Boy and Johnny Swinger with the winner now being determined by pinfall or submission. Shark Boy hits the Chummer to win the the match and declare himself the victory of the Reverse Battle Royal!
My Score: 2 out of 5
Match #1: X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match – Mike Bailey def. Ace Austin, Kenny King, Andrew Everett, Alex Zayne & Trey Miguel
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Ace Austin’s X-Division Title is up for grabs in the high-risk, high-wire spectacle known as Ultimate X! Miguel soars over the top rope, colliding with King on the outside. Austin hits a Fosbury Flop over the top rope to the floor. Everett hits a snap German suplex to Miguel on the apron. Everett takes out everyone with a springboard corkscrew. Bailey hits a modified Ultimo Weapon from the cables. There’s a huge Tower of Doom out of the corner as Miguel is the only one left standing. Miguel spikes Zayne with a super Canadian Destroyer from the top. Bailey and Austin scale the cables and exchange strikes near the title. Everett joins them but Bailey sends him crashing to the mat with a head scissors take-down. Bailey fights off Austin and unhooks the title to become the new X-Division Champion!
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Match #2: Knockouts World Tag Team Championship – Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie def. The Influence (Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood)
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Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie reunite to challenge The Influence for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles! Valkyrie hits a sliding German suplex on Dashwood. Rosemary goes for a spear on Dashwood but Rayne makes the save and drives her into the apron. Rayne and Dashwood trap Rosemary as they cut off the ring and prevent her from making the tag. Rosemary finally creates separation and makes the tag to Valkyrie who hits a thunderous Blue Thunder Bomb on Rayne. Dashwood cuts off Rosemary mid-spear with a running dropkick. Rosemary and Valkyrie hit double spears on The Influence for a pair of two counts. The Influence connect with The Collab on Rosemary but can’t make the follow-up pin attempt. Rosemary is back from the dead as plants Rayne on the mat to win!
My Score: 3 out of 5
Match #3: Monster’s Ball – Sami Callihan def. Moose
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After being trapped in isolation for 24 hours, Moose and Sami Callihan are unleashed in a match with no disqualifications, no count outs and no shortage of weapons – this is Monster’s Ball! Callihan attacks Moose from behind during his entrance to jumpstart the match. Callihan pummels him with a series of steel tray shots to the head. Callihan is busted open following a shot from a steel trash can lid. Moose hits a Uranage on the hardest part of the ring, then another one through a table. Callihan and Moose take turns hurling chairs at each other’s skulls. Moose attempts a spear but Callihan traps him in a trash can. Callihan pushes Moose off the top rope, sending him crashing into a table at ringside. Callihan introduces thumbtacks into the match but Moose makes him pay with a powerbomb into the tacks. Callihan hits a Death Valley Driver through a door wrapped in barbed wire. Callihan connects with the Cactus Driver 97 for a very close near fall. Callihan powerbombs Moose into a vertical trash can, followed by another Cactus Driver 97 but it’s still not enough to keep Moose down. Callihan assaults him with a barbed wire baseball bat, followed by a third Cactus Driver 97 into the thumbtacks to win!
My Score: 4 out of 5
Match #4: IMPACT World Tag Team Championship – The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) def. The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe)
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Two of the greatest tag teams in all of professional wrestling settle the score with the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles on the line! The action is fast and furious as a wild brawl breaks out around ringside. Gallows distracts the referee, allowing Anderson to drive Jay head-first into a steel chair. Jay superkicks Gallows, then makes the tag to Mark. Moments later, The Good Brothers attempt Magic Killer on Mark but Jay breaks it up. Mark and Anderson exchange strikes in the middle of the ring with Anderson gaining the upper-hand following an uppercut. The Briscoes connect with a double team powerbomb on Anderson. Anderson fights off a Doomsday Device. Gallows then tosses Mark off the top rope into a Gun Stun from Anderson. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Jay to win the match and become the new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions!
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Match #5: IMPACT Originals (Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Frankie Kazarian, Nick Aldis & Dave Richards) def. Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Vincent & PCO)
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The IMPACT Originals vow to defend the legacy of IMPACT Wrestling against the threat of Honor No More! The bell rings and the fight is on. Vincent hits Shelley with a Saito suplex, followed by a Flatliner for two. Vincent continues the assault with a side Russian leg sweep to Sabin. Taven hits Just the Tip on Shelley but Kazarian breaks the pin. PCO crashes and burns as Shelley avoids the De-Animator on the apron. Shelley fights out of the corner with a double Sliced Bread to Edwards and Vincent, allowing him to create some much-needed separation. Shelley makes the tag to Kazarian who hits Vincent with a slingshot cutter. It’s total nonstop action as both teams exchange offense at a blistering pace. Sabin dives through the ropes, colliding with Bennett on the outside. Taven is next to fly as he soars over the top into everyone on the floor. Back in the ring, Richards and Edwards square off. Richards locks in a double leglock on both Edwards and Taven. Vincent hits Red Rum on Aldis but Sabin makes the save just in time. Traci Brooks jumps the guardrail and neutralizes Maria at ringside. Kenny King gets involved but D’Lo Brown hits the ring and takes him out with a Sky High. Sabin connects with the Cradle Shock on PCO as Earl Hebner makes the three count, awarding the victory to the IMPACT Originals!
My Score: 4.5 out of 5
Match #6: Queen of the Mountain Knockouts Championship Match – Jordynne Grace def. Tasha Steelz, Deonna Purrazzo, Chelsea Green & Mia Yim
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Mickie James is the Special Guest Enforcer for the first-ever Queen of the Mountain match where, after becoming eligible via pinfall or submission, you win the match by climbing a ladder and hanging the Knockouts World Title high above the ring! Whoever is pinned or submitted during the duration of the match must enter the penalty box for two minutes. Green hits a top rope crossbody into everyone on the floor, then pins Steelz to become eligible. Steelz refuses to enter the penalty box but James tosses both her and Evans inside as the two-minute countdown begins. Steels is released from the box as she hits Yim with a springboard bulldog. Evans tries to get involved but James tosses her from ringside. Yim connects with a bridged German suplex on Green, then pins her to become eligible. Yim climbs the ladder with the Knockouts World Title in hand but Steelz takes her out with a cutter. Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Armbar on Steelz, forcing her to submit in order to become eligible. Yim soars off the top of the penalty box, dropkicking Green into a steel ladder. Yim hits Grace with a Package Piledriver on the floor to score a pinfall and send her to the penalty box. Green attempts to hang the title but James pulls her off the ladder as payback for attacking her earlier. Green and Purrazzo are perched on the ladder but Yim tips it over, sending them both crashing through two tables on the floor. Steelz and Grace score a double pinfall on Yim, making them both eligible. Grace pins Steelz following a Grace Driver to send her to the penalty box. Grace hangs the Knockouts World Title to win the match and become the new Knockouts World Champion!
My Score: 4 out of 5
Match #7: IMPACT World Championship – Josh Alexander def. Eric Young
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It’s main event time at Slammiversary as Josh Alexander defends the IMPACT World Title against IMPACT original Eric Young! Both competitors avoid each other’s Moonsaults as we reach a stalemate in the early going. Deaner sets up a table at ringside. Meanwhile, Young drives his elbow into the chest of Alexander form the top rope. Alexander hits a powerbomb, then floats over into a submission. Alexander brings the fight to the other members of Violent By Design, then connects with a top rope crossbody for two. Young counters the C4 Spike into the Stroke, a la Jeff Jarrett. The trip down memory lane continues as he hits a Black Hole Slam for two. Alexander connects with the Best Moonsault Ever for another near fall. Alexander almost puts Young away with the Styles Clash but when Young kicks out, Alexander floats over into the Ankle Lock. Young is tapping out but the referee is blinded after Deaner throws powder in his eyes. Alexander sends Doering through a table with an Olympic Slam. Young shatters a guitar over Alexander’s head. Young spikes him with a Piledriver on the exposed wood but somehow Alexander kicks out at two. Alexander connects with a C4 Spike to score the pinfall and retain the IMPACT World Title!
My Score: 4.5 out of 5
Final Verdict: 5/5
Yes, I am giving Slammiversary full marks. Why? Because this pay-per-view was packed with great matches but it was also a BRILLIANT tribute to 20 years of TNA/Impact – from the video packages from Sting, Kurt Angle and AJ Styles; the reappearance of Christy Hemme; Scott D’Amore, the EVP of Impact, coming out as “Coach D’Amore” from his Team Canada days, and all the wrestlers involved in various promos and matches; this was a loving tribute what had come before and… as someone who has been a viewer of TNA/Impact from almost the beginning and has been to numerous UK-based TNA/Impact events (I even posed with the title belt at one event back in the day!) I felt this was – apart from a few missing former TNA originals – a perfect example of how to do a PPV, as per usual for Impact, AND do a tribute show at the same time.
In terms of matches, Slammiversary opened strong with the Ultimate X match and built and built and built, until we got the superb main event – which probably paid THE biggest tribute to those that had come before. Along the way we got a great Monsters Ball match that TNA original Abyss would be proud of (RIP to Moose’s back); a great tag team match that ended on a bigger high than anyone could have expected with the appearance of America’s Most Wanted; the Queen of the Mountain match that saw the women of Impact put on a show that ANY gender would be proud of, almost feeling like a reigniting of the Women’s division – all they need now is more talent; and the Impact Originals/Honor No More 10-man match, which was fast and furious, the kind of exciting wrestling match that TNA/Impact used to be known for week in week out. Plus we got to see Davey Richards in a ring with Eddie Edwards once again AND Earl Hebner get back in a ring one last time – putting the three count on PCO, giving Chris Sabin and the rest of the originals the win… I all felt very much full circle.