‘Impact Wrestling’ Review (Feb 17th 2022)
Welcome to this weeks review of Impact Wrestling, which this week opens with a Before the Impact match that saw Eddie Edwards defeat Big Kon (formerly of the Ascension). With that out of the way let’s get right into the main show and this review!
Match #1: Masha Slamovich def. Kiah Dream
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The dominant Masha Slamovich puts both of her hands behind her back, inviting Kiah Dream to give her a free shot. Slamovich quickly gains control with the Burning Hammer. Moments later, Slamovich remains undefeated after hitting the Russian Death Device!
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #2: Ace Austin def. Blake Christian & Laredo Kid
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The winner of this match will join Chris Bey, Mike Bailey and Jake Something in a four-way match at No Surrender to determine the #1 contender for the X-Division Championship, currently held by Trey Miguel! The action is fast and furious from the opening bell. Christian dives to the outside but Fulton sacrifices himself to save Austin. Laredo soars off the top, taking out Fulton with a crossbody. Austin hits Laredo with a springboard kick for two. Laredo hits a springboard of his own as he connects with a Moonsault on Austin. Christian hits jaw-dropping handspring offense to ground Laredo. Christian flies over the top, then hits a double reverse DDT to both of his opponents on the floor. Christian connects with his signature stomp but gets caught with The Fold from Austin for three!
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Match #3: Gisele Shaw def. Lady Frost
The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:
Gisele Shaw makes her IMPACT in-ring debut after stealing the spotlight from Lady Frost following her victory over Alisha last week on BTI. Frost hits an acrobatic running cannonball in the corner for an early two count. Shaw turns the tide after a draping DDT from the second rope. Both Knockouts exchange strikes with Shaw getting the upper-hand following a knee to the back. Frost hits the Temperature Drop but Shaw somehow kicks out at two. Shaw comes back with a top rope Spanish Fly. Shaw capitalizes with a springboard corkscrew to win in her IMPACT debut!
My Score: 1.5 out of 5
Match #4: Chris Sabin def. Kenny King
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Ian Riccaboni joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary as King and Sabin set the stage for what’s to come at No Surrender! Conspicuous by his absence is the final member of Team IMPACT, Steve Maclin. Honor No More distracts Sabin from ringside, allowing King to gain control. King hits a big powerslam for two. Both men are down following a pair of clotheslines, giving Sabin the opportunity he needs to regain himself. Sabin hits a tornado DDT out of the corner for two. King counters the Cradle Shock into a spinebuster. King hits a butterfly Tiger Driver but Sabin is able to get his shoulder up. Sabin traps King in a pinning predicament to score the victory!
My Score: 3 out of 5
Match #5: Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans def. Mickie James & Chelsea Green
The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:
Before Mickie James defends the Knockouts World Title against Tasha Steelz at No Surrender, she joins forces with Chelsea Green after Steelz and Savannah Evans brought their friendly matchup to an abrupt halt last week! It takes the combined strength of James and Green to take Evans off her feet with a double flapjack. James sends Steelz for a ride with a head scissors out of the corner, followed by a neckbreaker. Evans pushes Green off the top rope, allowing Steelz to gain control. Steelz confronts James on the apron, giving Green an opening to hit her with a back body drop. Green goes for the tag but Steelz knocks James off the apron. Greens slips out of a powerbomb attempt from Evans and she finally makes the tag to James. The pace quickens as James hits Steelz with the Mick Kick but Evans breaks the pin. James hits the Mick DT on Evans but Steelz capitalizes with the Black Out to pin the Knockouts World Champion!
My Score: 2 out of 5
Match #6: Bullet Club (Jay White, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) def. Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering & Deaner)
The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:
It’s main event time on IMPACT! as two of the most dominant factions in professional wrestling today collide! Bullet Club holds the ring in the opening moments as VBD regains their composure on the outside. Violent By Design isolates Tama Tonga on the floor to gain control. Tama attempts to tag out but Doering clotheslines his partners off the apron. Doering hits a huge running crossbody on Tama for two. Tama makes a desperate tag to Tanga Loa who faces off with Doering in the middle of the ring. Both men are down following a series of running strikes. White cuts off Young with a mid-air chop, then hits a Curtain Call for two. The match begins to break down as everyone gets involved. G.O.D. takes out Doering with a Magic Killer. Young almost puts White away following a top rope elbow drop. G.O.D. hits the Killshot on Deaner, followed by a Two-Post Massacre. White crawls to the pin to score the victory for his team!
My Score: 2.5 out of 5
Final Verdict: 3.5/5
Another week, another solid episode of Impact. I feel like I can say that almost every week, which is a lot more than you can say for some other promotions! This episode was also a SUPERB example of a go-home show, planting plenty of threads for this weekend’s No Surrender, actually building real excitement for the pay per view. I’m hoping No Surrender gives us more surprises – in particular the addition of some new female talent, as whilst Impact has some great women’s wrestlers it’s starting to feel like new blood is needed. Speaking of which, why the hell did the awesome Lady Frost lose her match? TO Gisele Shaw, who looked remarkably un-ready for television IMHO. That said, here’s to more Impact episodes like this after this weekend!