‘NXT: UK’ Review (July 31st 2019)
Welcome to this week’s NXT UK review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we’ve got…wrestling. Hey, the WWE doesn’t always have that on their shows, so that’s worth mentioning by itself. Okay, let’s get to the…wrestling. See? It’s important.
Match #1: Gallus’ Mark Coffey & Wolfgang def. Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley
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The combination of Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley may be known as “Pretty Deadly,” but when they faced the forces of Gallus, their collective fates were sealed in a hurry. Mark Coffey & Wolfgang laid waste to their opponents before finishing off Howley with the combination of Coffey’s monster kick to the face into Wolfgang’s powerbomb. In the wake of their destruction, the deadly duo turned their attention to The Grizzled Young Veterans and made it clear that the NXT UK Tag Team Titles would soon belong to Gallus!
My Opinion: 1 out of 5 – A squash match. Stupid squash matches.
Match #2: Rhea Ripley def. Dani Luna
The following is courtesy of wwe.com:
In a completely one-sided display of supremacy, The Mosh Pit Kid annihilated Dani Luna before finishing her off with the Riptide.
My Opinion: 1 out of 5 – Another damn squash match. I feel like I’m killing time at the country club.
Match #3: (Main Event) Alexander Wolfe def. Jordan Devlin
The following is courtesy of wwe.com:
An irate Jordan Devlin cornered Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala to ask what it was going to take to return him to the WWE United Kingdom Title picture. Though he didn’t walk away from that conversation with a match against WALTER, he received a main event showdown against Alexander Wolfe of Imperium. The subsequent showdown was nothing short of incredible, as both athletes battled tooth-and-nail from start to finish in their quest for victory. Despite the skill and determination of The Irish Ace, however, Wolfe’s strategy of breaking down his opponent’s ribs paid off when Devlin was unable to execute his side suplex at a key moment. And when he missed his attack off the top rope, Wolfe quickly capitalized with a boot to the face and put away his foe with a vicious powerbomb.
My Opinion: 3 out of 5 – This was pretty good, but it felt a level below what it could have been. What is this, The Wonder Years on Xanax? Did I spell Xanax right? Wait…I don’t care. One more “x” would have gotten us into trouble any-way. There’s plenty of solid wrestling here, but it’s like watching a bear rake your lawn clean of the leaves. I don’t remember where I was going with the bear, but it would have never made any sense any-way. Overall, this was a good main event, but it could have been great, if they had a few more minutes.
News Of The Night:
- Gallus wants the NXT UK Tag Team Titles.
- Eddie Dennis blames his injuries on the fans.
- Xia Brookside and Piper Niven fight Jinny and Jazzy Gabert, next week.
- Joe Coffey fights Mastiff, next week.
- Tyler Bate fights WALTER for the NXT UK Championship at Takeover: Cardiff.
Final Verdict: 2.5/5
The main event and the build toward Takeover: Cardiff was what gave this show some life.