2018 has been, yet again, another fantastic year for movies. There has been some great films in the cinema, on DVD and VOD and the film festivals we’ve covered have been jam-packed with quality movies. Which makes it VERY hard to narrow down a list of the Top 10 of the year! With that being said here’s Alain’s pickls of the ten best of the year – and if you’re not already, make sure your following Alain on Twitter @Wightblood
1. Hereditary
“I’m certain this will go down as one of the great horror movies in years to come. Completely original and truly scary.”
2. Bodied
“Somehow a film about ‘battle rap’, something I know little of and have no interest in, is one of my favourite movies of the last ten years. It’s that good.”
3. A Quiet Place
“Horror brings more great originality this year, as well as horror with emotion. A Quiet Place has it all.”
4. The Shape of Water
“Guillermo del Toro’s version of The Creature From The Black Lagoon made horror beautiful with its unique love story.”
5. I Kill Giants
“A heart-warming and brilliantly told story that is as much about a child growing up than it is about giants.”
6. Incident In A Ghostland
“Hard-hitting and violent genre movies don’t get much better than this.”
7. Mission Impossible: Fallout
“A franchise that somehow keeps improving. Fallout sees Tom Cruise and his action sequences at his very best.”
8. Avengers: Infinity War
“Black Panther seemed to get all the praise this year but this was the best superhero movie of the year in my eyes. Brilliantly bringing together a monumental cast of characters.”
9. Pyewacket
“Coming of age horror at its most scary and interesting. Packed with great performances.”
10. Deadpool 2
“Somehow managing to make a great sequel to the excellent original. More oddness but this time the violence is much more brutal.”