10th Feb2014

‘WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan’ DVD Review

by Paul Metcalf


I’m not really a fan of the WWE Superstar Collection releases, but to be fair I guess it’s the choice of matches that are important. The collection picks a superstar and then gives a series of matches from their history that feature them. With the WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan release for the most part this could be one of the better releases because the matches selected are more wisely picked than the others I’ve seen.

As we know with Daniel Bryan he started off in NXT and we see this with the first two matches in the form of Bryan vs. Chris Jericho. This was one of the matches that got him noticed in the WWE and started his rivalry with The Miz, with the storyline that Bryan believed he was better than him. As you would expect with Jericho the match was well paced and showed what Daniel Bryan was capable of. Moving from that one we then saw Bryan’s match vs. The Miz for the US Championship, another good match to show off just how good a wrestler he could be.

Following off quite smoothly from this the collection then moves to the Money in the Bank match featuring Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Kane, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Shaemus and Sin Cara. It’s nice to see this one included in the release and while not being the best example of the Money in the Bank matches it was important in Bryan’s WWE career as it pushed him into the title race and led to his first title reign and of course heel turn. Unfortunately in terms of matches this is where the downturn occurs as we get Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry which was an OK match in itself, it just had a confusing ending, and then we missed the actual match where Bryan won the title.

It does seem strange that we missed out on the actual winning of the belt, but instead moved onto Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry in a cage match. Although the match is interesting enough and for the most part entertaining it still feels quite strange that we didn’t at least get to see the actual winning of the belt. This for me made WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan lose some of the momentum it had as before this it actually felt like a good introduction to Daniel Bryan’s WWE and with this being the last match just made the collection of matches lose its edge, especially for me as a fan of Daniel Bryan.

Even though it’s fair to say that the final two choices of matches at the end of WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan may not have been the best to show off the early WWE career of Daniel Bryan the release is an interesting look to see some of his early successes. Although there are no interviews or segments looking at the history of the wrestler, it still works and gets down to what is most important, the wrestling itself. As I said I’m not that much of a fan of the WWE Superstar releases, but this one is one of the better selections, with championship matches and a Money in the Bank match there is a lot of entertainment to be had with WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan.

WWE Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan is available on DVD now.

Review originally posted on PissedOffGeek.com

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