17th Apr2014

Remembering: The Ultimate Warrior

by Chris Cummings

When I began watching professional wrestling in 1992, The Ultimate Warrior had just returned for his second run with the WWF after returning at WrestleMania 8 looking slimmer and different than he did a year earlier. It was here that I got my first glimpse of Jim Hellwig, the man who was known to millions […]

06th Apr2014

‘WWE Ultimate Warrior: The Ultimate Collection’ Blu-ray Review

by Paul Metcalf

The WWE have had a few controversial Superstars over the year, one of the most recent of these would be CM Punk and his walking out.  Looking back through the years though one of the ones that has always been in the shadows to haunt Vince McMahon has been the Ultimate Warrior.  A man who […]
