02nd Feb2020

‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Retrospective

by ApolloXL5

If you’re somewhat of a cinema buff and love watching TV shows, love Netflix, HBO, and so on, chances are you’ve already heard of The Witcher. While it receives some mixed reviews and plenty of people kept comparing it to Game of Thrones, season one wrapped up quite nicely and season two is already in […]

18th Oct2015

‘The Witcher 3 – Hearts of Stone DLC’ Review (PC)

by Paul Metcalf

While we’ve had plenty of free DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but Hearts of Stone and next year’s Blood and Wine expansion are the two big updates that people have been waiting for. Now we’ve got our hands on Hearts of Stone, we get to see just what story can be added to […]

04th Jun2015

‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Review (PC)

by Paul Metcalf

When games suffer long delays the worry tends to set in.  The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was arguably one of the biggest releases for the so-called next generation of gaming, but with the release date constantly changing the question seemed to change from how good it would be, to what would we finally get in […]
