12th Jul2018

‘Attack of the Adult Babies’ Review #2

by Philip Rogers

Stars: Kurtis Lowe, Andrew Dunn, Andy Abrahams, Dominic Brunt, Charlie Chuck, Kate Coogan, Simon Corble, Samantha Daniels, Sally Dexter, Howard Ellis, Nicky Evans, Thalia Zucchi, Joanne Mitchell, Mica Proctor, Laurence R. Harvey | Written by Joanne Mitchell, Paul Shrimpton | Directed by Dominic Brunt George (Andrew Dunn) is playing a board game at home with […]

09th Jul2018

‘Attack of the Adult Babies’ Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Kurtis Lowe, Andrew Dunn, Andy Abrahams, Dominic Brunt, Charlie Chuck, Kate Coogan, Simon Corble, Samantha Daniels, Sally Dexter, Howard Ellis, Nicky Evans, Thalia Zucchi, Joanne Mitchell, Mica Proctor, Laurence R. Harvey | Written by Joanne Mitchell, Paul Shrimpton | Directed by Dominic Brunt Attack of the Adult Babies. What a title! It’s enough on […]
