23rd Oct2019

Wolverine Wednesday #29

by Ian Wells

Dead Man Logan #11 Writer: Ed Brisson | Artist: Mike Henderson | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Cory Petit This may be the penultimate issue but it continues to deliver in exactly the same way as the previous ten. It is an issue packed with action, drama and humour, just as the story has been […]

06th Sep2019

eBuying Comics: Week 26

by Ian Wells

Nothing hits the nostalgia sweet spot better than a good old issue of Marvels ‘What If?’ line. These stand alone alternate takes on Marvel comics continuity are fondly remembered by readers who were around at their start. We are currently in the age of fan service where yesterdays readers are todays writers who are ultimately […]

19th Dec2018

Wolverine Wednesday #20

by Ian Wells

Dead Man Logan #1 Writer: Ed Brison | Artist: Mike Henderson | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Cory Petit I know this is Wolverine Wednesday but Glob may be my new favourite character. I hope he is around for all twelve issues of this series. By having him involved he provides light relief to what […]
