27th Nov2018

‘Elric Vol 1: The Ruby Throne – Deluxe Edition’ Review

by Dean Fuller

Written by Julien Blondel | Based on the novel by Michael Moorcock | Art by Robin Recht, Didier Poli | Published by Titan Comics Elric. For me, one of the most frustrating characters in fantasy fiction. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to like him. I’ve tried reading the books and the comics, […]

19th Sep2014

Graphic Novel Review: Elric Volume 1 – The Ruby Throne

by Paul Metcalf

Written by Julien Blondel | Art by Didier Poli, Jean Bastide, Robin Recht | Published by Titan Comics | Format: Hardback, 64pp Elric Volume 1: The Ruby Throne may just be an introduction to the Albino Emperor of Melnibone but what an introduction it is. Julien Blondel, Didier Poli, Robin Recht and Jean Bastide have […]
