05th Oct2020

‘I Spit On your Grave: Deja Vu’ Blu-ray Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Camille Keaton, Jamie Bernadette, Maria Olsen, Jim Tavaré, Jonathan Peacy, Jeremy Ferdman, Holgie Forrester, Roy Allen III, Alexandra Kenworthy, Terry Zarchi, Tammy Zarchi | Written and Directed by Meir Zarchi It’s not hard to underestimate how much of an impact the original I Spit on Your Grave film had on the genre – mainly […]

07th Mar2019

Interview: Maria Olsen on ‘I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu’

by Phil Wheat

Jennifer Hills is back! Forty years after 1978’s I Spit On Your Grave shocked the world with its story of a beautiful career woman assaulted and left for dead, and her notorious revenge on those responsible, cinema’s most lethal lady vengeance returns in the most anticipated sequel of all time. Reuniting star Camille Keaton and […]

07th Mar2019

Interview: Jim Tavare on ‘I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu’

by Phil Wheat

Jennifer Hills is back! Forty years after 1978’s I Spit On Your Grave shocked the world with its story of a beautiful career woman assaulted and left for dead, and her notorious revenge on those responsible, cinema’s most lethal lady vengeance returns in the most anticipated sequel of all time. Reuniting star Camille Keaton and […]

07th Mar2019

Interview: Jamie Bernadette on ‘I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu’

by Phil Wheat

Jennifer Hills is back! Forty years after 1978’s I Spit On Your Grave shocked the world with its story of a beautiful career woman assaulted and left for dead, and her notorious revenge on those responsible, cinema’s most lethal lady vengeance returns in the most anticipated sequel of all time. Reuniting star Camille Keaton and […]
