23rd Jul2019

‘Archlion Saga’ Review (Nintendo Switch)

by Britt Roberts

Originally released as a mobile title, Archlion Saga bills itself as an easily completable JRPG (within 2-4 hours) for people who don’t have the time to dig into a full-length romp. Whilst the idea is admirable, in action it would probably only appeal to absolute, young newcomers (although the game is strangely rated ‘12’, and […]

28th Feb2019

‘Alvastia Chronicles’ Review (Nintendo Switch)

by Britt Roberts

I watched the trailer for Alvastia Chronicles and was looking forward to reviewing it not only because it seemed like a safe, old-fashioned 8-bit JRPG I could play on the Switch… but because the main character, this unknown hero from an alternate fantasy landscape… was called Alan. That was what drew me to it. I’ll […]

03rd Nov2017

Digital Shorts: ‘Revenant Saga’ Review (Nintendo Switch)

by Matthew Smail

In DIGITAL SHORTS we review some of the latest video games that are only available digitally (at least in the UK), in a short-form review format. In this edition we take a look at Revenant Saga, a new RPG available now on the Nintendo Switch. Whilst I’m a huge fan of the Nintendo Switch’s ability […]
