30th Oct2018

Staci Layne Wilson to helm slasher ‘Dead Slate’

by Phil Wheat

Ghost Walk Studios & 333 Productions have announced Staci Layne Wilson (Fetish Factory, Psycho Therapy) as the director of their upcoming horror feature Dead Slate. Dead Slate takes the audience behind the scenes of a slasher film production and follows the stereotypical cast as they are stalked by a masked psychopath who slays in homage […]

17th Nov2014

‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: 40th Anniversary Restoration’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Stars: Marilyn Burns, Edwin Neal, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail, Teri McMinn, Jim Siedow, Gunnar Hansen, John Dugan | Written by Tobe Hooper, Kim Henkel | Directed by Tobe Hooper When it comes to horror one of the most effective things is the unstoppable monster, the overpowering force that towers above the victim […]

26th May2013

Motor City Comic Con Interview – TCM’s John Dugan

by Phil Wheat

Long Box host Mike MoDel spent last weekend at the Motor City Comic Con in Michigan, where he managed to grab interviews with some famous and not-so famous faces; as well as some up and coming comic creators and publishers. First up in this series of interviews is the actor John Dugan, who played “Grandpa” […]
