17th Jun2021

‘FEAR (aka F.E.A.R. Forget Everything And Run)’ Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Marci Miller, Jason Tobias, Danny Ruiz, Cece Kelly, Susan Moore Harmon, Justin Dray, James Schuler, Denver Isaac, Ivana Rojas | Written and Directed by Geoff Reisner, Jason Tobias FEAR, the debut film from writer/directors Geoff Reisner and Jason Tobias is pitched as a post apocalyptic action film. When it was released in the UK […]

20th Oct2020

‘Big Freaking Rat’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Scott C. Roe, Dave Sheridan, Caleb Thomas, Cece Kelly, Vincent M. Ward, Felissa Rose | Written and Directed by Thomas J. Churchill How the can you not watch a horror film called Big Freaking Rat? Give your film a title that involves a oversized creatures and I’m there. Though after the disappointment of last […]
