14th Dec2017

Unboxing: A-Box’s November 2017 “Justice” Mystery Box

by Phil Wheat

It’s been a couple of months since we last got the A-Box here at Nerdly. Why? Well it’s simply because there’s a HUGE difference in quality between each months boxes and – thanks to spoilers (from A-Box themselves)  – it’s easy to find out which mystery box is going to be for you! This months […]

10th Oct2017

Unboxing: September 2017’s “Horror” A-Box

by Phil Wheat

I used to be a regular subscriber to the Horror Block, but with the company folding there’s a HUGE gap in the horror mystery box market – so how perfect is it that A-Box, newcomer to the subscription box field, has released it’s very first “Horror” mystery box? A box which contains items from IT, […]

14th Jun2017

The A in ‘A-Box’ stands for AWESOME!

by Phil Wheat

Mystery boxes. A craze that has gone from a single monthly blind box for geeks, to a whole proliferation of boxes for every trend, genre, and fandom imaginable. From toys to food, from t-shirts to healthy snacks – you can get a mystery box for almost anything. Which means that launching a new iteration of […]
