Rewind: ‘A Silent Voice’ Review
Written by Reiko Yoshida | Directed by Naoko Yamada
Is redemption possible when looming over you are past actions that you bitterly regret? That is a question at the heart of A Silent Voice, an animated feature adapted from a manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. The story follows Shouya Ishida, who spent the sixth grade leading his class in bullying Shouko Nishimiya, a new classmate who is deaf. The class turns against Shouya when his actions result in Shouko transferring to another school, leaving him isolated and bullied.
The passing years leave Shouya with hatred over the person he was, driving the depressed teen to the point where he believes suicide is his only absolution. When he crosses paths with Shouko in middle school, Shouya wishes to atone for his awful actions, but wonders whether it is too late for that.
What writer Reiko Yoshida and director Naoko Yamada have crafted is a touching story which understands the social circles in school that can perpetuate bullying. Regardless of how it is justified, this can continue through life as it passes hurt onto others in cyclical ways, something which is heartbreakingly captured through an understanding of the characters.
Central to all of this is Shouya, whose characterisation is phenomenally conveyed. There is a genuineness to his attempts at bettering himself, including learning sign language, while he also struggles to find reasons to enjoy life due to his building self-loathing and trauma. The stunning handling allows sympathy to be felt for the lead without lessening the severity of his past actions, a combination that works to show his growth and utter remorse.
In lesser hands, the bullied Shouko could have remained an undeveloped plot device that exists to further Shouya’s growth. This is thankfully avoided as she is a character in her own right, believing that she is a burden to others and constantly apologising as a result. The growing friendship between her and Shouya allows the pair to look towards the future, aided by their shared group of friends as they work through their pain to become better versions of themselves.
It can feel difficult to move forward when past memories leave one remorseful, yet this film phenomenally showcases the impact our actions have and that redemption is within reach for anybody willing to genuinely try. Amidst the tremendous animation style, A Silent Voice is a touching and powerfully humanist film.