30th Mar2023

‘AEW: Dark’ Review (Mar 28th 2023)

by Phil Wheat

Another week, another episode of AEW: Dark which once again this week features a whopping NINE matches – where’s the swift and fun five-match card gone?! Anyway, on with the review…

Match #1: AR Fox def. Nick Comoroto

My Thoughts: Good god, this was an unexpectedly great match! I honestly didn’t think we’d see a match this good from Nick Comoroto. Ever. Kudos to AR Fox for getting such a good performance from Comoroto, making both of them look fantastic come the match’s conclusion.

My Score: 3.5 out of 5

Match #2: Skye Blue def. Queen Aminata

My Thoughts: And you can repeat everything I said about the Fox/Comoroto match for this match too. Queen Aminata has always stood out from the enhancement talent AEW bring in to face their performers and here she got a great match out of Skye Blue, easily one of her best matches in the company so far.

My Score: 3 out of 5

Match #3: Evil Uno def. Alexander Moss

My Thoughts: The rise of the Dark Order to a dominant tag team continues with Evil Uno squashing his opponent in swift order. Moss got a few chops in and that was it, Uno was in charge of this one for sure!

My Score: 1 out of 5

Match #4: Marina Shafir def. Steph de Lander

My Thoughts: This was a well-fought, well-balanced match that saw Steph de Lander give as much as she got, whilst Shafir once again – as she did on this week’s Elevation – brought a bit more of her non-wrestling fight experience to this match. The more Shafir relies on what she knows rather than trying to turn herself into a “pro wrestler,” the better she gets. Not going to lie, I think AEW need to sign Steph de Lander AND Queen Aminata given their performances this week.

My Score: 3 out of 5

Match #5: Zack Clayton def. Schaff

My Thoughts: And here comes a Zack Clayton squash match. I don’t see where things are going with Clayton, who seems to win matches against enhancement talent but then gets squashed by anyone higher up the card. Schaff, who I’ve never seen or heard of before, actually got some decent offence in but still, this was all about Clayton – who I think needs more work, seemingly having forgotten some of the stuff he did when he first arrived in AEW.

My Score: 1 out of 5

Match #6: Top Flight def. Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis

My Thoughts: I really didn’t get this match. Top Flight should be decisively winning matches like this not looking like they could possibly lose it! But still, a TOp FLight match is ALWAYS entertaining and this was no different. Plus Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis are two of the better enhancement talents AEW use, which is another plus.

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #7: QT Marshall & Aaron Solo def. Austin Green & Vary Morales

My Thoughts: Austin Green and Vary Morales might have lost this match but they certainly didn’t come out of this one looking like losers, both holding their own against the veteran team of QT Marshall and Aaron Solo. Austin Green really used his size in this match – shoulder-blocking and power-bombing his opponents, ultimately looking like a total beast, even when losing!

My Score: 3 out of 5

Match #8: Brady Booker def. Serpentico

My Thoughts: This was interesting… Brady Booker, in his second AEW match, picked up the win against Serpentico – something I did NOT predict at all. Especially considering Serpentico has, along with his trios partners Luther and Angelico, been racking up some wins recently. Have to wonder if AEW have future plans for Booker?!

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #9: Konosuke Takeshita def. Cole Karter

My Thoughts: Takeshita in the main event of an AEW show, just where he should be. Cole Karter was a great opponent for Takeshita and both men put on a fantastic match. What was even better was that Karter had Lee Johnson in his corner but not for the typical shenanigans reasons, not it was instead to tease a match between Takeshita and Johnson in the future – which, given how Takeshita worked with Karter should make for a great match.

My Score: 3 out of 5

Final Verdict: 3/5


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