11th Aug2022

100 Word Hits – Comic Reviews #4

by Guest

Welcome to the fourth installment of our new column 100 Word Hits, in association with comics retailer The Unreality Store, in which Matthew De Monti brings us short, sharp reviews of the latest books to hit comic stores over the past month or so!

The Variants #1

Written by Gail Simone | Art by Phil Noto

Jessica Jones is having blackouts and doesn’t know why. Matt Murdock is pressuring her to help a former victim of her arch nemesis, the Purple Man. Hammerhead and his goons are squeezing the owner of her favourite coffee shop for protection money and that’s just for starters. In court Murdock is trying to help Maria Snyder convince the judge the Purple Man told her to burn her house down (with her family still inside) and Jessica learns that he may still be just as much of a threat to her. And then multiple variants of Jessica turn up!

Utter madness! Also, check out our FULL review of The Variants #1 right here.

Rating: 8/10

Blood Stained Teeth #3

Written by Christian Ward | Art by Patric Reynolds

Still trying to chase down and kill all the humans he’s turned into vampires, Atticus Sloane is after The Car Crash Kid, a vampire who intentionally crashes his car and as people try to help get him out of the wreckage he kills them and drinks their blood. Pleasant guy! There’s a car chase and a showdown on the metro, but the real highlight this issue is Atticus’s sometimes humorous conversation with his now deceased chauffeur Joey, who tries to be his moral compass

The art is great and the neon-glare style colouring give this a grimy cyberpunk feel.

Rating: 8.5/10

Han Solo & Chewbacca #3

Written by Marc Guggenheim | Art by David Messina

Tripping an alarm Han, his dad and Greedo are trapped inside the penthouse they are trying to rob. Making matters worse, the safe is empty and the urn that Jabba’s willing to pay handsomely for is nowhere to be seen. Tricking the security company into helping them escape, Han ditches Greedo and they fly off to Antillon to try and locate the urn allegedly sold to a Sava called Madelin Sun.

After tipping off Stormtroopers that Sun might be handling illegal contraband, Han’s father locates the urn and the issue ends on a cliffhanger as Black Krrsantan makes his move!

Rating: 8/10


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