22nd Feb2022

The FIlmmakers Podcast #263: ‘Blood Red Sky’ producer Benjamin Munz

by Phil Wheat

Here’s the latest episode of the The Filmmakers Podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on the official podcast site, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres.

For those unfamiliar with the series, The Filmmakers Podcast is a podcast about how to make films from micro budget indie films to bigger budget studio films and everything in-between. Our hosts Giles Alderson, Dan Richardson, Andrew Rodger and Cristian James talk how to get films made, how to actually make them and how to try not to f… it up in their very humble opinion. Guests will come on and chat about their film making experiences from directors, writers, producers, screenwriters, actors, cinematographers and distributors.

The Filmmakers Podcast #263: How to make a Netflix Hit with Blood Red Sky producer Benjamin Munz

Joining the show today is the producer of Blood Red Sky (2021), the most popular non-English speaking film on Netflix, Benjamin Munz. He is also known for films such as Polar (2019), Stung (2015), and the short film The Night Father Christmas Died, which was nominated for a Student Oscars. Ben talks with our hosts Giles Alderson & Tobias Vees all about his filmmaking journey: How he started out in Germany where hardly anyone was interested in making films, how he slowly transitioned into paid jobs, and how he then pre-sold his feature film Stung for a million at AFM. He also discusses what makes a great producer, what he looks for in a director or screenwriter, and the ups and downs of being a producer. And of course, he talks all about his collaboration with Netflix. This is the inspiring story of a film fan who started out in a comic bookstore and went on to produce one of Netflix’s most successful films. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode with Benjamin Munz.

Follow The Filmmakers Podcast on Twitter: @filmmakerspod | @gilesalderson and the official website


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