20th Dec2021

The Filmmakers Podcast #253: Working with Netflix w/director Mike Rohl

by Phil Wheat

Here’s the latest episode of the The Filmmakers Podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on the official podcast site, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres.

For those unfamiliar with the series, The Filmmakers Podcast is a podcast about how to make films from micro budget indie films to bigger budget studio films and everything in-between. Our hosts Giles Alderson, Dan Richardson, Andrew Rodger and Cristian James talk how to get films made, how to actually make them and how to try not to f… it up in their very humble opinion. Guests will come on and chat about their film making experiences from directors, writers, producers, screenwriters, actors, cinematographers and distributors.

The Filmmakers Podcast #253: Masterclass on Directing & Working with Netflix with The Princess Switch director Mike Rohl

On today’s show, Giles Alderson and co-host Christian James welcome the fantastic director Mike Rohl. He’s known for films & TV shows like Shadowhunters (2017-2019), Smallville (2006-2011), Supernatural (2006-2012), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008) and the feature films The Princess Switch, of which The Princess Switch 3 (2021) is out now on Netflix. Mike dives deep into this long filmmaking career that began in the 80s: He talks all about his beginnings, his first features films and what he learned from making them. He discusses pitching, why Hollywood loves showmanship and the difference between directing TV and feature films. He also talks about the technical side of shooting & directing, his process, how to pick a good 1st AD, working with actors, and goes in-depth on how he made The Princess Switch. You think these Christmas movies are not for you? Well, you should reconsider, because Mike is a master of his craft. Today’s conversation is a gem for all directors out there. This is for you. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode with Mike Rohl.

Follow The Filmmakers Podcast on Twitter: @filmmakerspod | @gilesalderson and the official website


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