22nd Nov2021

The Filmmakers Podcast #248: Actress Alice Eve talks ‘Warning’

by Phil Wheat

Here’s the latest episode of the The Filmmakers Podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on the official podcast site, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres.

For those unfamiliar with the series, The Filmmakers Podcast is a podcast about how to make films from micro budget indie films to bigger budget studio films and everything in-between. Our hosts Giles Alderson, Dan Richardson, Andrew Rodger and Cristian James talk how to get films made, how to actually make them and how to try not to f… it up in their very humble opinion. Guests will come on and chat about their film making experiences from directors, writers, producers, screenwriters, actors, cinematographers and distributors.

The Filmmakers Podcast #248: Alice Eve – Starring in Indie Films to Blockbuster Movies & the making of ‘Warning‘

Today, in this special episode, Dom Lenoir welcomes the wonderful actress Alice Eve to chat about her latest film Si-Fi feature film Warning (2021), which is out now! She is known for films like Men in Black 3 (2012), Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013), She’s out of my League (2010), Bombshell (2019), and The Stolen (2017), to name a few. Dom and Alice sat down to talk about the deeper themes of Warning and Si-Fi as a reflection on current issues. Alice also discusses downtime between projects, how directors should approach actors, and why a good script is important. And because we didn’t have that much time to talk to Alice, Dom and Giles Alderson sat down together after the interview for a relaxed chat about the ups and downs of today’s filmmaking world. Two lovely conversations in one episode! You don’t want to miss this. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode with Alice Eve.

Follow The Filmmakers Podcast on Twitter: @filmmakerspod | @gilesalderson and the official website


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