‘AEW: Dark’ Review (Dec 15th 2020)
Welcome to this week’s AEW: Dark review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have our correspondent Brad Britch here to give us his thoughts on the matches. Brad…
Brad Britch: Wrestling! WRESTLING! YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I don’t care about old people! WRESTLING! WRESTLIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!
- Ricky Starks def. Sotheara Chhun
- Brandon Cutler def. Baron Black
- Hikaru Shida def. Kilynn King
- Jurassic Express with Marko Stunt def. Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol
- Leva Bates def. Skyler Moore
- Brian Cage def. VSK
- The Acclaimed def. Louie Valle & Mike Magnum
- Anna Jay def. Dani Jordyn
- Stu Grayson & Evil Uno def. Bear Country
- Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela def. RYZIN & Sean Maluta
- Tay Conti def. Freya States
- Matt Sydal def. Danny Limelight
- Ivelisse def. Kaci Lennox
- Best Friends def. Chaos Project
Final Verdict: 3.1/5
Matt Sydal, Best Friends, Kiss/Janela, Dark Order, Ivellisse, Anna Jay, Brian Cage and other people who won…WON! YAHOO! The losers sucked…and did a nice job. All matches were short and/or squashes. Anna Jay headlocked my balls in a knot from her incredible decentness. RESPECT-BONER! The Dino Lizards did good for a dumbly named trio. BOSTON LEGAL! Ivellise kicked Kaci in the Lennox. CONVIENENT! Ricky Starks is a hot chick who will be a big star if he wrestles like this all the time. Matt Sydal and his mangled pretzel leg put the spot-light on Limelight and made the match…PASSABLE! Best Friends gave Chaos Project a bigger beating than the one who tried to stop me from buying The Monkees on Blu Ray. NOT WIDELY RELEASED! Brian Cage made Vasectomy get cut short in his attempts to impregnate the match with his victory. ABORTION! This was a fun show that Denis O’Hare would not probably care to bear one little kanakafazare…BITCH! Brad Britch out! WRESTLING!