08th Dec2020

Nerdly Out Loud – Episode 7: ‘Fatman’ directors & a HOBI guest

by Kevin Haldon

Nerdly Out Loud is Nerdly’s very own podcast, bringing our website to your ears… Literally. Each episode host Kevin Haldon will be picking all the latest Movie, TV and Pop Culture reviews from the world of Nerdly and reading them out loud interjecting his own personal views of the ones he has seen. The main feature of these shows will be awesome interviews from directors, producers and people at all levels of the independent film world.

NERDLY OUT LOUD – Episode 7: Directors Ian & Eshom Nelms on ‘Fatman’ and guest host Jason Brigger from The History of Bad Ideas podcast

This time on Nerdly Out Loud I sat down to chat with Directors Ian and Eshom Nelms to chat about their Xmas flick starring Mel Gibson and Walton Goggins Fatman. A movie 14 years in the making and rapidly becoming the holiday movie of 2020. We chat up a storm about casting Mel, getting the movie made and the influences the movies they love had on the making og Fatman.

I need to really thank the guys for jumping on and having this chat… they are two unbeliveable talents and I cant wait to see what they do next. ALSO joining me is Jason Brigger of History of Bad Ideas Podcast and contributor to Nerdly.co.uk to talk and promote his podcast and how he hasd been apart of the team for a while now. Check the flick out on all your reputable streaminig platforms and let them know you love the flick.

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