‘WWE 205 Live’ Review (Nov 13th 2020)
Welcome to this week’s 205 Live review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and a boy saw his parents f—king and ran away. When the dad found the boy in his room, the boy was f—king his grandma. When the dad protested, the boy said, “How does it feel to see some-one f—k your mom?” That’s how I feel watching this show, because I want this show to stop f—king my mom. Well, we’ve got Curt Stallion, because horses have first names too. 205 Live starts…ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA!
Match #1: (Main Event) Curt Stallion def. August Grey, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari – NXT Cruiserweight Championship Contendership Match
The following is courtesy of wwe.com:
Urgency. Intensity. Raw emotion. And of course, death-defying aerial assaults. All hallmarks of a thrilling multi-man matchup to determine the top contender to the NXT Cruiserweight Championship.
On the historic 205th edition of 205 Live, the WWE Universe enjoyed a look into the future of the purple brand in the form of Curt Stallion, August Grey and Ashante “Thee” Adonis. Conversely, viewers also received a taste of nostalgia, as Nese and Daivari — the self-proclaimed O.G.s — represented the old guard. Together, the quintet collided in an epic Fatal 5-Way Match to determine the next challenger to NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar. Longtime partners Stallion and Grey joined forces in the early goings to dump Nese and Daivari to the ringside area, but Grey quickly tried to roll up his friend, signaling an early end to their alliance. Adonis, who was content to start the match at ringside while the other four competitors brawled, soon hit the ring like a ball of fire and scored a two-count after planting Daivari with a picture-perfect spinebuster. After clearing the ring, Nese and Daivari feigned competing against one another, but Grey reentered the mix and wiped out both of them with a crossbody from the top rope. Perhaps to the surprise of some, Nese and Daivari maintained their alliance, brutalizing Stallion with several stinging haymakers and dropping him with a standing suplex. When they attempted the same maneuver on Grey, however, the 205 Live newcomer countered and nearly drove Nese through the canvas with an innovative suplex, though the ensuing pinfall was broken up by Daivari. Stallion, who was left with a gash above his eye after Grey spiked him with a unique DDT, dug down late in the match to miraculously kick out of Nese’s 450 Splash. After Nese ran right into a superkick from Grey, however, The Bollywood Boyz, whom Nese and Daivari essentially bribed with the promise of a future NXT Cruiserweight Title Match, hit the scene to break up the pinfall and put the boots to Grey. Grey and Adonis fought back and chucked The Bollywood Boyz out of the ring, only to immediately be attacked by Ever-Rise! Stallion, Grey and Adonis worked together to take Ever-Rise out of the equation, but Daivari used brass knuckles to clobber Adonis before Grey broke up the count. After exchanging blows with Nese in the corner, Stallion planted his foe with a jaw-dropping reverse Spanish Fly to earn the victory and a future championship fight with Escobar!
My Opinion: 3.9 out of 5 – This was a fabulous match that gave us great action and a taste of the newly re-invigorated roster. There was a lot of juice in this match’s tank, which means we didn’t break down at the side of the road with no fuel. Every move was crisp and precise, but they all led to the next without delay or fault. The entire group of combatants impressed me with their skills and how they used them. I thought Nese or Daivari would get the victory, but having a new fighter earn a shot at the title was a moment that just felt great. 205 Live, which was having its 205th card here, needs new wrestlers to keep the roster fresh and strong, or else it ends-up like…the main roster. Stallion winning works for me and I look forward to seeing how he does with the shot at the big strap. All in all, this was a damn fine multi-man match and a pretty good one over-all.
Final Verdict: 4/5
A one-match show kept the stupid out of the equation and made the problem easy to solve: have a wrestling match that’s worth watching. I liked this match and feel like the right guy was picked to win.