16th Nov2020

‘We Die Alone’ Short Film Review

by Chris Thomas

Stars: Ashley Jones, Samantha Boscarino, Baker Chase Powell, Darielle Deigan | Written by Marc Cartwright, Cassie Keet | Directed by Marc Cartwright

Aidan, a young man crippled by loneliness and insecurity, wants nothing more than to experience love, but he compulsively ghosts any connections he makes through dating sites. Aidan’s co-worker Elaine, generous with her advice and kindness to a fault, encourages him to put himself out there — although, in her heart of hearts, she wishes he would pick up on her feelings for him. Everything changes when Chelsea, beautiful and distant, moves into the apartment across the hall from Aidan’s. The two feel an instant connection based on their refusal to engage in social norms, and bond over an unusual hobby. This chance encounter throws Aidan into a spiral of dangerous infatuation that will alter all three of their lives. Touching on themes of loneliness, obsession, and the brutal nature of relationships, We Die Alone assesses the aftermath of what happens when three isolated people with different ideas of love become dangerously entwined.

What is the difference between our online persona and the person we really are? Aiden is a nice, well-meaning bloke but he is not comfortable in his own skin. If Aiden had a beard it would be like looking into a mirror. He does not seem to notice that girls do like him, more than he likes himself. His colleague, Eileen seems extremely nice, but he does not see what is right in front of him. He then gets a new neighbour; Chelsea and his obsessiveness starts to become a bit more sinister.

We Die Alone is a well-made, short film that manages to tell us a spooky little story in 22 minutes. It is well made, well-acted and the sound design is particularly good. It is intrusive, but it works. I am used to watching a horror film with (or sometimes without) 20 minutes worth of idea, stretched out over an hour and 20 minutes. We Die Alone features likeable characters and tells a singular story. If you have got 22 minutes to spare in your day, you could do much worse.

Highly recommended.


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