‘AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup Tournament: Deadly Draw – Night One’ Review
Welcome to this debut review of All Elite Wrestling’s Women’s Tag Team Cup Tournament: Deadly Draw – Night One, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and this tournament is a part of an overall initiative to increase the appeal of AEW’s Women’s division, which has struggled to make a mark like the men’s wrestling has in that same league. We’re getting WCW’s BattleBowl: The Lethal Lottery/TNA’s Joker’s Wild rules here, with partners randomly being paired together as opposed to teams being made naturally. Let’s see if this comes together as something worth remembering, or is just Home Alone 3.
Match #1: The Nightmare Sisters (Brandi Rhodes & Allie with Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) def. Mel & Penelope Ford (with Kip Sabian) – Quarter-Final Match
My Opinion: 2.9 out of 5 – This was cool, with Allie kicking ass and Mel doing pretty well as well. Brandi didn’t piss me off and Ford is getting better so…TRUCKER CLOCK! WHO WANTS IT? COME ON YA TRUCK DRIVERS OUT THERE! TALK TO TEDDY BEAR! That’s what this match makes me feel like…a trucker clock that everybody wants, because while this match was no masterpiece, at least it seemed like everybody tried hard to make this nearly ten minute opener for the tournament feel important.
Match #2: (Main Event) Tay Conti & Anna Jay def. Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero) & Ariane Andrew – Quarter-Final Match
My Opinion: 2.7 out of 5 – As a main event goes, this was a bit disappointing, but the Tay & Jay Express really did well and made the odd pairing of Nyla and Ariane worth sitting through. Ariane still can’t wrestle, but she does have her personality, so maybe Tony Khan should hire her as a valet for another woman? Nyla did a great job selling me on Tay & Jay being formidable enough to kick her ass, so that part worked. Overall, this was a main event that was no classic, but it did kick-start a big tandem that might just have potential to draw some money in due time.
News Of The Night:
- Nyla Rose beat the glogenhypengallawoshabee out of Ariane Andrew for being a losing louse.
- Brandi Rhodes is being teased as turning heel instead of Allie (make up your mind).
- Anna Jay is being pushed as reticent to being seen as a Dark Order member.
- Veda Scott was on commentary.
- Madusa was here to introduce the whole tournament, because Alundra Blayze is a stupid name that Madusa would smash with her big ol’ Madusa stompers because…MADUSAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
- AEW Heels is a service that you pay $50 a year for that will allow you to have all sorts of contact with the Women’s division, in the same vein as Stardom’s meet and greets with their roster.
Final Verdict: 3/5
This was a good show that was not remarkable, but was also devoid of bad booking habits (Nyla/Ariane came close to a bad angle, but was stopped.)