18th Feb2020

‘WWE 205 Live’ Review (Feb 14th 2020)

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s 205 Live review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have Mick Foley’s son’s TV show. Apparently, Mick’s son writes this show now. If it’s a bad episode, do we get to cane him?


Match #1: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch def. The Singh Brothers

The following is courtesy of wwe.com:

Despite competing in their hometown of Vancouver, The Singh Brothers taunted what should have been a friendly WWE Universe. First, Samir removed his Vancouver Canucks jersey to reveal a Los Angeles Kings jersey, claiming that Wayne Gretzky told The Singhs to leave Canada just like he did. Sunil then revealed a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, claiming Gretzky told him to only root for a team that has won a Stanley Cup. Displeased with their antics, the WWE Universe in Vancouver were more than elated to see Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch make their way to the ring, ready for a fight. The Singh Brothers attempted to gain the upper hand by meeting the charging hard-hitters on the entrance ramp, but that was a decision they quickly regretted. However, after Sunil attacked Burch from behind on the outside, it distracted Samir long enough to gain an advantage against Lorcan. The Singh Brothers stayed in the fight long enough to execute their Bollywood Blast on Burch, but Lorcan made the save. Sunil was dumped to the outside, allowing Burch to regain control of the contest, and Lorcan helped Burch deliver an Implant DDT to secure the victory.

My Opinion: 2.2 out of 5 – AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Why are the Singh Bros. back on the f—— show?! How much s— not worth watching do I have to watch? What is this, Netflix? At least Oney and Burch, who can actually wrestle, won the match.

Match #2: (Main Event) Tony Nese & Mike Kanellis def. The Brian Kendrick & Ariya Daivari

The following is courtesy of wwe.com:

Reveling in the glory of their attack on Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch, The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari addressed the WWE Universe, reminding everyone that as WWE 205 Live originals, they won’t allow the likes of Lorcan and Burch to show up and do whatever they want. They were also ready to make an example of whatever tag team they were scheduled to face What they didn’t expect was the unlikely pairing of Tony Nese and a returning Mike Kanellis. A chaotic match unfolded, as Kanellis and Nese took down Daivari without realizing Kendrick was the legal man. During a pinfall on Daivari, Kendrick managed to apply The Captain’s Hook, forcing Nese to desperately drop himself and Kendrick on their respective partners to break the hold. Nese nearly secured victory following a 450 Splash on Daivari, only for the pinfall to be broken up by The Man with a Plan. Kendrick responded by executing Sliced Bread No. 2 on Nese followed by The Persian Splash, but The Premier Athlete kicked out. Frustrated by their inability to secure victory, Kendrick and Daivari were prepared to decimate Nese with steel chairs. However, before they could, Lorcan and Burch returned to the ring, and the distraction allowed Nese to roll up Daivari and score the pinfall victory.

My Opinion: 2.8 out of 5 – This was okay for a main event, but I wanted one of those great 205 Live fights, not SmackDown 2.5. There’s moves and holds, along with some breathing and, I think somebody blinked. Boy, was this dull. Nothing against the other three, including a returning Mike Bennett…oops…Mike Kanellis (it’s Bennett damn it), but Tony Nese was the only good part of this. 2.8 is a score attained by Nese looking like neon in a sea of gray. Okay, this is boring the piss out of me.

News Of The Night:

  1. Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza fight, next week.
  2. Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan will collide with The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari in a No Disqualification Tag Team Match, next week.

Final Verdict: 2/5

Why are they even bothering with this anymore? Vince doesn’t care about this. There are only a few people left worth watching. I’ll keep watching it, but it will make me sad, like people wanting to vote for Trump despite him being a sociopath.


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