25th Mar2019

Interview: Director Andrew Hulme on ‘The Devil Outside’

by Stuart Wright

In his latest podcast/interview, host Stuart Wright talks with writer/director/editor Andrew Hulme about his second feature film The Devil Outside, “a disquieting, evidently personal examination of extreme Christian doctrine in small-town Britain” (Variety)

Caught between his mother, who’s determined to bring Jesus’s love to a dead mining town, and his best friend who has introduced him to teenage rebellion, Robert becomes embroiled in a spiritual tug of war as he tries to escape his religious beliefs. It’s then that he discovers a dead body in the woods and realises that God has sent him a sign.

The Devil Outside is out on VOD towards the end of April 2019. Follow the film’s Facebook page for latest news and occasional cinema screening: www.facebook.com/thedeviloutside/



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