14th Mar2019

‘Ring of Honor’ Wrestling Review (March 10th 2019)

by Nathan Favel


Welcome to this week’s Ring Of Honor review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have lots of wrestling to get to, so let’s skip it this week and convene in a month. Goodbye.

Match #1: Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll and PCO) defeated The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia)

The following is courtesy of rohwrestling.com:

The Kingdom gained an early advantage through their double-team moves until Scurll tagged in PCO, who ran wild on both O’Ryan and Marseglia. Scurll assisted PCO on a French Canadian Cannonball over the top rope onto The Kingdom on the floor. Back inside the ring, Scurll hit a superplex on Marseglia, and PCO followed with a frog splash for a near fall. The Kingdom eventually got back on track. O’Ryan hit a spinebuster on Scurll, and Marseglia followed with Redrum for a near fall. Marseglia then hit Redrum on PCO on a table outside the ring. After crashing through the table, the inhuman PCO popped back up. Later, O’Ryan tossed PCO off the top rope onto a chair on the apron. In the end, Scurll trapped Marseglia in the chicken wing, and Marseglia tapped out.

My Take: 3.5 out of 5 – This was a mean match that went to great lengths to pack a wallop in a decent amount of time. This was mostly big moves linked together, but the effect was quite striking and altogether very visceral, so it is far better than just your standard stunt show. These two teams have good chemistry together and they have the potential to turn this feud into something very big for 2019. PCO is something else here, by the way. It can’t be overstated how good he has gotten in his old age and this match will hammer that home for you. Overall, this was a lot of fun and a great opener.

Match #2: Mayu Iwatani defeated Holidead

The following is courtesy of rohwrestling.com:

Iwatani attempted a crossbody off the middle rope but Holidead caught her and hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Later, Iwatani hit a Crucifix Bomb for a near fall, but Holidead answered with a big clothesline for a two count. Iwatani came back with a German Suplex and a kick to the face, and then hit a moonsault for the victory.

My Take: 3 out of 5 – This was a nice little match that had more than enough action, despite not going long enough to really make a mark. The transitions from move to move were smooth and the rhythm for the match were just fine for a smaller match like this. Iwatani was the big deal here and it seemed like she was kicking things up a notch every five seconds. Overall, this was a good bout that served as a nice under-card fight.

Match #3: (Main Event) Kenny King defeated Dalton Castle

The following is courtesy of rohwrestling.com:

After several minutes of back and forth action, Castle took control with a clothesline, a series of throws and a bulldog for a near fall. Castle then hit a gutwrench power bomb for a near fall. After King went to the floor to halt Castle’s momentum, he tossed one of the Boys into Castle as Castle was approaching the ropes. That caused Castle to stumble, and King pounced, hitting Royal Flush for the win.

My Take: 3 out of 5 – This was a good match that didn’t quite get past first gear, but at least it got down to the end of the road without grinding away on anything under the hood. King is a fine wrestler, but he still has trouble making his moves feel like more than performance art. King comes across as a deranged ballerina, but not a particularly aggressive one (Misty Copeland could kick my ass). Castle looked as strong as always, but he didn’t get to use his Greco style half as much as he should have been able to. I liked the wrestling here, but it didn’t get to come together as much as you’d want it to.

News Of The Night:

  1. The Kingdom attacked Jay Lethal at the end of the show and put him through a table.
  2. The Briscoes are feuding with Villain Enterprises in a Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Title Match at ROH 17th Anniversary on March 15 that will be No Disqualification.
  3. Kelly Klein tried to take away the Women Of Honor World Title from Mayu Iwatani.
  4. Bandido challenged RUSH to a match at Ring Of Honor’s 17th Anniversary Pay-Per-View on March 15.

Final Verdict: 3/5

This was a solid show that started off strong and got a bit lost along the way. Jay Lethal getting beaten up at the end of the show was a nice capper for the whole thing, but it would have been nice to have seen that involved in a match instead (the opener could have added Jay Lethal and had him get his whooping at the end of that). The 17th Anniversary card is turning into a real winner, with RUSH and Bandido the most likely candidate to be the best match of the night. Hopefully, ROH TV is more wrestling oriented next week, so it can avoid looking like a cheap WWE show.


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