Interview: Mark Jancovich on his “5 Great British Horror Films”
In his latest interview/posdcast, host Stuart Wright talks with University Of East Anglia Professor Of Film Studies, and Miskatonic Institute lecturer, Mark Jancovich about his 5 Great British Horror Films.
Thursday 7 March: Mark will be lecturing at the MIskatonic Institute under the title: THE PARANOID WOMAN’S FILM – This class will introduce students to the horror films of the 1940s through those films often described as examples of the paranoid (or Gothic) woman’s film.
Central London location and ticket details available at…ilm-london/
5 Great British Horror Films:
- Dead Of Night (1945)
- Quatermass TV Series (1953)
- The Nanny (1965)
- Don’t Look Now (1973)
- Lifeforce (1985)
For more reading on the topic of British Horror check out Mark’s essay: “Beyond Hammer: the first run market and the prestige horror film in the early 1960s” at