The Last Week In Wrestling #18 (Wrestling Round-Up)
Welcome to this edition of The Last Week In Wrestling, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have a good deal to go through, so let’s do so.
Best Promo:
Heyman’s History Of Suplex City (WWE) – Paul Heyman had another great promo where, in the form of vignette, recounted the history of Brock Lesnar and what has led to his current run of success. It’s a broken record at this point, but most folks don’t care when the record is fun to listen to, if you catch my drift.
Best Move:
630 Splash (WWE) – Ricochet was all over the place this week doing that move like there was no tomorrow.
Best Moment:
Shane Stands Up For His Team (WWE) – Shane McMahon vouched for his tag team partner The Miz when The Usos admonished The Miz in a great promo from that saw The Usos look like real champions.
Best Personality:
Paul Heyman (WWE) – Screw it. When you’re the best, you’re the best.
Best Character:
Dean Ambrose (WWE) – Lately, it feels like the bookers don’t quite know whether Dean is coming or going (he is leaving in April), but his tweener role has gotten him over far better than the heel turn he had at the end of 2018 ever did.
Best Performance:
The Briscoes (Ring Of Honor) – These wild nuts wrestled like maniacs from bell to bell. They reminded me a lot of those great NWA tag teams of the 1970s and 1980s and I hope this side of them keeps coming out all year long.
Best Wrestler:
Johnny Gargano (WWE) – Having wrestled multiple times this week, Gargano was a great star this week and really showed how good he can be under many circumstances.
Best Card:
Raw (WWE) – It didn’t turn out as well as it should have, but this was the best card produced this week from the wrestling shows we/I review.
Best Show:
NXT (WWE) – NXT had a great show with a couple of dynamite matches…I sound like a dork.
Best League:
WWE – Vince bribed his way to nearly every award this week, so is it a surprise that he stole this one too?
Best Match:
Velveteen Dream versus Johnny Gargano: NXT North American Championship Match – This was an excellent match that gave Dream his best performance yet while it also gave Johnny a chance to stand out as a true star.
Final Verdict: 3.5/5
This was a good week that had Vince and his WWE at the top, but I would predict that he won’t be doing that quite as often as he would like/he doesn’t know this exists.