‘MLW: Fusion’ Wrestling Review (Jan 4th 2018)
Welcome to this week’s Major League Wrestling review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have a couple of good ones this time, so go grab your eatin’ food and walk your ass over to the monitor and pretend you’re watchin’ TV.
Match #1: LA Park defeated Gringo Loco
The following is courtesy of MLW.com:
In an extremely entertaining and hotly-contested match, Gringo Loco gave LA Park all he wanted. The two battled for nearly 20 minutes to open this week’s show. LA Park had the upper hand early and of course, there were chairs involved. With Gringo Loco incapacitated on the outside, LA Park grabbed a couple chairs from ringside and put them together. He then scored a massive powerbomb, driving Loco onto the unforgiving chairs. Gringo Loco eventually recuperated and rallied. At one point, Loco was able to lay out LA Park on the stage/entrance way. He then climbed a lighting rig and hit a huge cross-body block on The Chairman. If it had been a falls-count-anywhere match, Loco may have scored the victory right there. Back in the ring, LA Park wasn’t listening to senior official Frank Gastineau. As Gastineau tried to maneuver him out of the corner, Gringo Loco landed a kick to LA Park, who landed on the official. Loco went to the top, looking for a frog splash and hit it. But he hit it on Gastineau. As Gringo Loco tried to tend to the fallen referee, LA Park hit a nasty spear. Gastineau had recovered just enough to administer the three-count for LA Park.
My Take: 3 out of 5 – This was a fun one. Loco is pretty good at this point in his career, but Park is still the star, after all these years. It was a bit slow at times, but lucha can be that way when the wrestlers have to recover from almost killing themselves. This was a good way to start the show.
Match #2: (Main Event) Teddy Hart defeated Pentagon Jr.
The following is courtesy of MLW.com:
It was announced this week that the Hart Foundation would challenge the Lucha Bros. for the World Tag Team Championship at MLW SuperFight Feb. 2 in Philadelphia. Tonight on FUSION, one member of each group squared off in singles action. In a non-title bout, World Middleweight Champion Teddy Hart defeated one half of the World Tag Team Champs Pentagon Jr. In a hard-hitting, fast-paced encounter, Hart was the aggressor early on, scoring a moonsault to the outside of the ring, among other impactful maneuvers. Of course, Pentagon wasn’t going to go down that easily. He mounted some serious offense himself, scoring a number of near falls. But the Lucha Bro was out-numbered with his brother Rey Fenix out with an injury and Konnan recovering from the attack by Promociones Dorado. At one point, Penta was fighting with all three Hart Foundation members on the outside of the ring. Hart scored with a Canadian Destroyer/second-rope slingshot moonsault combo for a two-count. A few moments later, a massive lungblower gave Teddy the victory.
My Take: 3.5 out of 5 – My Take sounds stupid. This was an excellent match that deserved to go a lot longer. I could imagine this being a feud at some point, with these guys trying to kill each other just for fun. Actually, that might be one of those pairings that carries the company through 2019.
News Of The Night:
- Kotto Brazil has promised to beat the hell out of Ricky Martinez for attacking him.
- Konnan vowed to get revenge on Low Ki.
- Tommy Dreamer fights Brian Pillman Jr. in a Singapore Cane Match, next week.
- Low Ki accepted a challenge to defend his MLW World Title against Fred Yehi, next week.
Final Verdict: 3.5/5
This worked out pretty well, considering there were only two matches that ran far too short. The whole thing was fun to watch and it built nicely to next week’s card.