02nd Jan2019

Chris’ Ten Best: Horror Films of 2018

by Chris Ellis


2018 has been a great year for movies, especially for horror films, from mainstream cinema hits to some fantastic direct to market titles. But it’s also been great for the genre as a whole not just the movies… With that in mind here is Chris’ rundown of his Top 10 Horror Films of 2018:

The Witch in the Window

My horror film of the year, Andy Mitton tackles brilliantly the nature of father/son relationships and applies it to an atmosphere of total dread. A masterpiece.

Terrified (Aterrados)

A fun house of jump scares, that sets the pulse racing and doesn’t release its grip until the credits start to roll. A rumoured English language remake from the same director (Demian Rugna) being produced by Del Toro is a cause for celebration.

Summer of ’84

80’s nostalgia pieces have flooded the film screen in recent years. However, this is one of the best examples as Spielberg-esque style clashes with Hitchcock’s “rear window”, with an ending that you won’t believe.

Anna and the Apocalypse

Zombie outbreak meets high school musical, a funny, thrilling, heart-breaking film with a far darker tone that you would expect from the premise.


Cyber thriller meets voyeurism as a cam girl finds her identity stolen and the lines between her and the doppelganger begin to blur. Low budget but a film that stays with you for some time after, my film of the festival at this year’s “Celluloid Screams”

A Quiet Place

Not much can be said about John Krasinski’s smash hit that hasn’t already been commented on, the highest compliment that I can pay to this film is that a Saturday night cinema crowd stayed completely silent and enthralled throughout, a triumph.

Ghost Stories

Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson’s stage play makes the leap to the big screen, a clever script coupled with scares littered throughout makes for a spectacularly enjoyable film. The stage play is returning to theatres this spring, watch the film then the play or the other way around but whatever you do then make sure you see this in some form.

The Blacksmith and the Devil

A beautiful period piece that marries the fantasy elements of Del Toro with classic Hammer horror story telling.

Secret Santa

A family meets for their annual Christmas meal, as relationships falls apart and the body count starts to mount then you’ll be grateful that you find arguing over the remote the biggest issue. As an aside this film also contains my line of the year, far to offensive to include on here, just do yourself a favour and add this to your Christmas watch list.

Our House

Old school haunted house thrills abound as a bereaved family struggle against the supernatural. This makes the list not due to its admittedly functional scares, but the brilliant portrayal of a brother struggling to hold what remains of his family together and outstanding performances all round.


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