24th Oct2018

‘National Wrestling Alliance 70th Anniversary’ PPV Review

by Nathan Favel


Welcome to this National Wrestling Alliance 70th Anniversary review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have a major main event to cover, along with the return of the NWA National Heavyweight Title. Let’s get right into the action of the original and most prestigious wrestling league in history, the National Wrestling Alliance.

Sam Shaw beat Colt Cabana, Sammy Guevara and Scorpio Sky – NWA National Championship Tournament Semi-Final Four-Way Elimination Match

My Take: 3 out of 5

I’m surprised that Shaw won, but he has gotten a lot better over the years, so at least he can make some-thing of this chance at a success. Cabana would have been the best choice in terms of star power, but since Shaw is the least known of the four, it could be argued that he is now on equal footing with the other three, more established athletes. The match itself was over a little too quickly to make a real impression, but it did function well as the opener and was a good start to the card.

Barrett Brown beat Laredo Kid

My Take: 3 out of 5

This was over too quickly, but it packed a wallop of action. Is that a unit of measurement? Wallop? Hell with it. These two wrestled like it was the WCW Cruiserweight division, which is a compliment in this case. I hope these two guys are going to figure into the plans of Billy Corgan for the NWA, because these guys could be a big deal if they are given the chance to make an impact on a global stage.

Willie Mack beat Jay Bradley, Ricky Starks and Mike Parrow – NWA National Championship Tournament Semi-Finals Four-Way Elimination Match

My Take: 3 out of 5

This was good stuff and action-packed, despite being a bit stunted in the ambition department. Mack was the star here and his victory was exactly what should have happened. Bradley is lucky to have Corgan as a friend, because the latter seems to be the only promoter who is smart enough to give him work. Parrow worked well as the big, tough guy of the match and Starks did just fine as well. This likely won’t be a match you talk about later, but it is a good match for what was needed.

Tim Storm beat Peter Avalon – Kiss My Foot Match

My Take: 2.5 out of 5

This was a simple, old-fashioned, old-school match that harkened back to the good old days of rasslin’ (I’m not gonna erase it… it’s staying). Storm beat the hell out of the cowardly Avalon and, in no time at all, made the heel kiss his foot. There you go and that is that.

Jazz beat Penelope Ford – NWA World’s Women’s Championship Match

My Take: 3 out of 5

This was one of the best performances of Jazz’s career. How in the hell has she been left out of the loop of this women’s revolution? Ford did well, but she was a bit off in some areas of the match. Over-all, this match was all about Jazz and while the bout was good, she was great.

Willie Mack beat Sam Shaw – NWA National Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final

My Take: 3 out of 5

This was a slow match that had good psychology all the way through. The match itself gave Mack one of the biggest moments of his career and will always be remembered as the bout that revived the dreaded Sam Shaw nerve hold. Willie Mack was gold here and deserved to be the new National Champion.

Crimson & Jax Dane (w/ Road Warrior Animal) beat Shannon Moore & Crazzy Steve – Tag Team Open Challenge Match

My Take: 2 out of 5

This was short and messy, but also had some excellent tag team maneuvers from Crimson and Jax.

Nick Aldis beat Cody Rhodes – Two Out Of Three Falls Match For The NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship

My Take: 4.5 out of 5

I loved the way this was wrestled. This was not a thriller, but it was smart and intelligent, which the announce booth accentuated with its commentary. Every-thing was done in layers and methodical steps, which feels like it hasn’t happened in ages. I don’t want to say any-thing else, because I don’t want to spoil the way this match goes, so I’ll just say that this was one of the best contests of the year.

News Of The Night:

  1. There were a lot of audio glitches on the show, but it didn’t stop people from enjoying themselves.
  2. Magnum TA did a great job putting over the NWA in a perfect promo.
  3. Jay Bradley attacked Willie Mack after the match they were in.
  4. James Ellsworth fought with Jay Bradley after the latter attacked Willie Mack.
  5. Tim Storm made Peter Avalon’s manager, Nikko Marquez, kiss his foot.
  6. Jazz announced her she wants to fight for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
  7. Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette introduced the NWA National Title, while Jarrett put over Magnum TA in the process.
  8. Road Warrior Animal announced that the Crockett Cup will return next year.
  9. Dory Funk Jr. did a great promo on the legacy of the NWA.
  10. Jim Cornette and Tony Schiavone re-united to call the main event.

Final Verdict: 4/5

While the matches were mostly average and the audio glitches were numerous, this show was as easy a viewing as I’ve had this year and felt like a real sporting event. This had a great atmosphere and a great main event, so it gets a good review. If Billy Corgan can update this formula for this century, then this revival of the National Wrestling Alliance might just work.


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