‘Ring of Honor’ Wrestling Review (August 12th 2018)
Welcome to this week’s Ring of Honor review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and this review is late, so if you keep your big mouth shut then I won’t get into trouble. I mean it! Be cool! Do screw with me!
Match #1: The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe) beat Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milounas – Tag Team Match
This was a good match that had some excellent back and forth action. The Briscoes were like every wild scene from Deliverance at high-speed. That’s right… every-thing but the squealing… and that damn banjo… that movie would’ve been a hell of a lot different with Robocop in for Ned Beatty. BCB and BM were very athletic for their massive size and took a few risks that I think they shouldn’t have, if only to prevent an earth-quake. Jay came across as a force of nature all his own and should get another crack at being the Ring of Honor World Champion at some point. Over-all, you can’t go wrong with a bunch of wrestlers who act like they went to the Lee Marvin school of grunting.
Match #2: Madison Rayne beat Karen Q, Kelly Klein and Tenille Dashwood – Four Woman Fray For a Women Of Honor Title Shot
This was a fine bout that gave each woman a moment to shine. Rayne’s having a pretty good year, going from Impact to ROH to WWE like an old pro… I sound like a lame father when I say crap like that. If Karen Q lost the first part of her name she could be in the next James Bond movie. Also, she’s an excellent wrestler… Karen Q… I forgot to say her name in the sentence, so that was necessary. Klein is getting better all the time and may be on her way to glory… or her house when she is done with work. Tenille is playing a great heel in this match and certainly seems so far away from popping bubbles in NXT. These four women meshed well here and kept the pace going along without much problem, which made for a good fight.
Match #3: Main Event – Shane Taylor, Punishment Martinez and Bully Ray beat Cheeseburger, Josh Woods and Flip Gordon – Six-Man Tag Team Match
The idea here was that Ray prevented Flip getting into the match by attacking him before the bell rung, so it was a handicap match at the volition of CB and Woods. Holy Hell, I said volition! I’m like big people now. Eventually, Colt Cabana entered the match as a last-minute substitution for Flip, who came out at the end to fight off the team of Ray, Taylor and Martinez while they were trying to take advantage of the referee being out. The action here was good and didn’t really get conflabugalorationed (a word of my own design) until the end, so every-thing had room to breathe. The heel did good work and gave the faces some-thing to rally against and Colt got one hell of reaction, which would be worth more to him if he could trade it in for the money he lost in the Amann trial… Amann, I want some money! Over-all, this was a fun main event that gave us a good way to go out on.
News Of The Night:
- The feud between The Briscoes and So Cal Uncensored continued with a nice brawl.
- Cody Rhodes and Nick Aldis had a talking segment to push that Rhodes will need to get something to make Aldis take the match for the pair at All In for the NWA World Heavyweight Title… the Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Title.
Final Verdict: This was a solid card that put forth several new matches for the next few months. The Briscoes were the stars of the night and are getting better with age.