02nd Jul2018

‘MLW: Fusion’ Wrestling Review (June 29th 2018)

by Nathan Favel


Welcome to the first MLW: Fusion review here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and I say we should get right to the action!

Match #1: Ariel Dominguez vs Jaye Skye

To my surprise, this match never got past the first second. Su Yung (Savannah Young) and Zeda Zhang ran out to obliterate the fighters before they could even make an offensive move against one another. This was probably not the best match to start this initial review out on, but it’s what we’ve got to work with. As long as they don’t do things like this too often, this angle could have a great effect on future fight cards. Needless to say, there was no winner in this match.

Verdict: Since there was no match, I can’t really rate it, can I?

Match #2: Sammy Guevara beat Fred Yehi

The idea here was that Sammy’s ego cost him the match. Both these men have been impressive for quite some time, with Sammy being one of my personal favorites for about five or so years. These guys did a little bit of every-thing, from ground work to high-flying. It’s nice to see younger wrestlers gradually adopting a more well-rounded style of working. With all of the injuries in this day and age, you’d think more wrestlers would want to do more to protect their bodies, but that does not always seem to be the case. Sammy has always been a little more character-driven any-way, but he’s become a true athlete in the past couple of years. Fred has been one of Gabe Saplonsky’s best for the past three to four years, with a consistent performance record that may very well lead him to the WWE one day. To be perfectly honest with you, it’s a little bit of a thrill to see these two touch outside of the auspices of a WWE or an EVOLVE or even a Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. In Major League Wrestling, these two competitors can work what-ever match they like in what-ever way they like, for as much as their own purposes as the promoter’s. Well, enough of my bleeding-heart rhetoric about wrestling. As far as the action was concerned, there were a few moves, from a Power-Bomb to a Fire-Man’s Carry, but the bulk of this match was the story itself. Sammy just couldn’t stop boasting over every gain he made upon his opponent, while Fred worked as hard as he could to gain sure-footing in the bout. The finale was quite the display and one of the best of its kind in quite some time, with Fred Yehi locking a defiant Sammy Guevara in the Koji Clutch, all while blasting him with hard shots that looked like lightning. Fred Yehi got the win with his Koji Clutch.

Verdict: This was an excellent bout that made a big impression on me.

Match #3: Main Event – Rich Swann vs ACH

This has got to be one of the more potentially lucrative pairings in wrestling today. With an array of wild dives and leaps at their disposal, Swann and ACH have all the tools to make your feet fly up your ass. Swann has had a difficult road back from his controversial firing from the WWE, but he seems like he’s got his confidence back after having a very public humiliation, and a deserved one at that. ACH, who has had an excellent career since leaving Ring of Honor, always wrestles at a high level, regardless of who he is in the ring with. If these two guys are guilty of any-thing in the ring, it is a reliance on stunts rather than psychology, although they have been getting better at balancing the whole thing. As far as action is concerned, these guys will scare the hell out of you with just ten seconds of fighting. I wonder if some-one told them that kicks and chops were set to become twice as much to buy at midnight? That’s a lame joke to illustrate how many strikes there were in this match… a very lame joke. They started off pretty even, going hold for hold until a great drop-kick took the match in a different direction. Pretty soon, we had a plethora of suplexes and the like to kick the fight into the next gear. At the climax of the bout, ACH got the fall in spectacular fashion.

Verdict: This was a fabulous main event that gave us two dynamite matches in a row.

News of the Night:

  1. Sami Callahan attacked Koto Brazil and challenged his friend, MVP, to a Boiler Room Brawl.
  2. A feud with Low Ki and Tom Lawlor was teased when Ki taunted Lawlor for not having a match with Shane Strickland, despite being the number one contender for Strickland’s MLW World Championship.
  3. Jimmy Havoc is stalking Tom Lawlor and Simon Grimm. Havoc has promised to hurt Lawlor and to maim him.
  4. Team TBD is teasing a dissention angle after losing to Pentagon and Fenix in an MLW World Tag Team Match a few weeks ago.

Final Verdict: This was an excellent card with two great matches and a very diverse, interesting roster to explore in the weeks to come.

Thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week.


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