04th Jun2018

Maxi added to ‘Soul Calibur VI’ roster

by Phil Wheat

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment continue the Soulcalibur VI roster announcements with news that nunchaku wielder Maxi will be making an appearance in this new iteration of the long-running franchise. Maxi’s weapon is a nunchaku which is extremely difficult to wield. It will give a rain of pain to the opponent but only if you know how to handle it!

Maxi’s father had worked in the Ryukyu Kingdom as a merchant. Though fortunate enough to experience different cultures from his trade, he felt tied down by his job. On his deathbed, he told Maxi to go out and see the world. Deciding to live by these words, Maxi set out to seek total freedom. He found this out at sea where he became a pirate to see the world his father couldn’t.

Soulcalibur VI has never looked more dynamic or dramatic, intensified with eye-popping graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4. Features include:

  • The legendary weapon-based 3D fighting game returns to its roots
  • State of the art graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • A complete roster of returning characters and newcomers
  • An epic story mode of the struggle for the two swords
  • Revamped gameplay mechanics for intense showdowns
  • Dynamic fights enhanced by cinematic-styled combat

Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.



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