04th May2018

‘iZombie 4×09’ Review

by Xenia Grounds

Stars: Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders | Created by Diane Ruggiero, Rob Thomas


The latest episode of iZombie was a very plot driven one and somewhat different from the usual formula. However, this is nothing new for the series as this seems to happen once per season. Luckily, this episode doesn’t fail to be entertaining.

The latest murder to happen involves a white rapper and seeing Liv on white rapper brain is funny but not overplayed. Rose McIver isn’t a terrible rapper by any means but it’s played enough for laughs without crossing into face-palm territory. The murder of this rapper is solved pretty quickly instead of taking up a majority of the episode like it usually does so getting a break from the usual routine is rather interesting.

It’s becoming more apparent that things in New Seattle are getting worse and it’s winding up like a guitar string and you know it’s only a matter of time until it snaps. Fillmore Graves puts the city into lockdown in order to hunt down the killer of the week ‘Zombie Killer Cain’ who survived last episode’s bus prison massacre. Cain meets with a pretty grisly fate as he is shot by Major and turned into a zombie on Chase’s orders.

Major’s arc in season four is becoming frustrating viewing. He continues to do increasingly bad things and it feels like there has to be a moment where he realises that himself. There aren’t many episodes left in the season to make Major more of the likeable character he once was. At this point, if the arc manages to become more coherently written than that would be a pay-off.

The highlights of the episode include the scenes with Ravi and Clive playing Dungeons and Dragons with two returning characters, artist Jimmy and vampire Steve. It will probably end up being important later with Clive’s potentially future love interest, Michelle, taking part in the game and they end up making out but we’ll have to wait and see what that means for his problematic ‘open’ relationship with Dale.

The dramatic highlight involves Liv, Peyton and new character, Isobel. Isobel is immune to the zombie virus and is going to die from her illness but she wants to be a trial subject for a zombie cure although Liv and Peyton aren’t keen on the idea. Ravi eventually finds out about Liv’s role as Renegade for New Seattle and I’m not sure why this was ever kept a secret from him since he clearly would’ve been onboard from the start but he knows now and that’s good. Also, he can start working with Isobel on creating a vaccine which makes him contribute more to the group.

Lastly is the story with Blaine which continues to get more disturbing as the episodes pass. Blaine now wants to go into real estate and thinks that the best way to start achieving this goal is to sell the original zombie cures. Plus, he wants to make the rest of the country like New Seattle which would get rid of the boarders. It begs a lot of questions such as: How does he think the whole of America would cope with zombies when New Seattle is badly struggling? However, I expect he will be caught long before that. This said, I am enjoying how dark Blaine’s storyline is getting this season as it is very reminiscent of his season one arc.

Overall, this episode is a bit of a mess but manages to pull through with moments of comedy and good plot development.

The next episode of iZombie airs on 7th May.


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