16th Apr2018

Comic Concierge – Episode 15: The Empty Man

by Dan Clark


On this episode of the Comic Concierge, I speak with David Rosen from the Bird Road and Piecing it Together podcast to discuss the horror comic The Empty Man. We talk about his apprehension to the world of comics and if reading this book made him rethink the medium. We also look at where the influences of a book like this could come from.

t’s been one year since the first reported case of the Empty Man disease, and no drug has been able to slow its progress. The cause is unknown, and the symptoms include fits of rage, hideous hallucinations, suicidal dementia, followed by death, or a near lifeless, “empty” state of catatonia. As murder cults rise nationwide, the FBI and CDC enter a joint investigation of the Empty Man, hoping to piece together clues to stop the cult and uncover a cure.


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