Titan Comics deliver a Gaming Humble Comic Bundle
Humble Bundle offers collections of videogames, books and comics at a price determined by you, the customer. Content is divided into three tiers: pay $1 or more to purchase the first tier; pay $8 or more to purchase tier one and two; and pay $15 or more to get the content from all three tiers; and the Titan Comics Gaming Humble Comics Bundle brings together a selection of the companies critically acclaimed, officially licensed gaming comics.
Brought to you by an array of incredible creators, praised by comic critics and gamers alike, these titles take you beyond the games, creating all-new stories around the characters and worlds that you know and love. More importantly, as well as furnishing your chosen digital device with an incredible gaming comic library, by purchasing the Gaming Humble Comics Bundle, you’ll also be supporting the amazing work of AbleGamers!
The Titan Comics Gaming Humble Comic Bundle includes:
- TIER 1: Pay over $1 to get: Assassin’s Creed #1-5; Assassin’s Creed: Templars #1-5; The Evil Within #1-4; Dishonored #1-4; Assassin’s Creed: Locus #1-4
- TIER 2: Pay over $8 to get Tier 1 content and: Assassin’s Creed #6-10; Assassin’s Creed: Templars #6-9; Assassin’s Creed: Awakening #1-6; Assassin’s Creed: Uprising #1-4; Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #1-4.
- TIER 3: Pay over $15 to get Tier 1 and 2 content and: Assassin’s Creed #11-14; Assassin’s Creed: Reflections #1-4; Assassin’s Creed: Origins #1; Dishonored: The Peeress and the Price #1; The Evil Within: The Interlude #1; Dark Souls: Winter’s Spite #1-4; Tekken #1-2; Warhammer: Dawn of War III #1
The Titan Comics Gaming Humble Comic Bundle is available until 11am (PST) on April 25th 2018 at www.humblebundle.com/books/gaming-comics-books