04th Apr2018

‘Ash vs. Evil Dead 3×06: Tales From the Rift’ Review

by Paul Metcalf


If there is one thing that I’ve wondered about the third season of Ash vs Evil Dead, it has to be the question of just what is going on? We see plenty of action, plenty of details on Ruby’s (Lucy Lawless) plans, but no firm path for the season. The question is, will we get it this week..?

Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) finally loses it and goes after Ruby, putting herself in a dangerous situation. Ash (Bruce Campbell) meanwhile finds himself stuck with another group of the Knights of Sumeria who enlist him and Pablo (Ray Santiago) on a quest to open a rift to the world of the dead.

If previous episodes in the third season of Ash vs Evil Dead have been about building up a story, this week the focus is on action. This is where we see the show doing what it does best, especially with the battle between Kelly and Ruby. I’ve said many time that Kelly is the female Ash, and this week she proves it yet again. This episode brings a huge change to Kelly’s character (which I won’t spoil it) but thankfully it is a change that can be reversed.

When it comes to Ash, we see the return of the Knights of Sumeria, and even get a few clips from Army of Darkness to remind us that Ash has a history with Rifts. Pablo of course is on hand to open up the latest rift leading to an impressive battle with a demon that I’m sure fans of Evil Dead will love just as much as I did. This is a beast reminiscent of the likes we’ve seen in Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness, and the imagination that goes into this creation shows just how good Ash vs Evil Dead is, and why we need more shows like this on television.

Along with all of the violence and gore, we still get some reveals in terms of story. We find out some of the reason that Ruby wants to open the rift, and why fully opening it may be a mistake. We also see that Ruby’s forces are growing and she hasn’t given up pulling Brandy (Arielle Carver-O’Neill) away from Ash. The reason of course is being held back, but it has something to do with the rift and the importance of Ash to it.

While I would normally say that Ash vs Evil Dead needs longer episodes, this week the show makes perfect use of its time. It is surprising just how much it manages to fit in, but the chaotic speed the episode moves at means that the episode never gets boring. It would be just nice to have more focus on what the hell is going on.

Even with the lack of focus on revealing more of the story for season 3, we are moving fast each week to whatever epic battle is heading our way. I feel as a fan I can put my trust in Ash vs Evil Dead to deliver an ending worthy of the weekly chaos, and one that will hopefully lead to a fourth season and beyond.

****½  4.5/5

Ash vs Evil Dead is available on Virgin Media video on Demand in the UK.

Review originally posted on PissedOffGeek

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